Parents Leotard costs

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That was probably me. It will be $425 for a new leo and warm ups. I think the leo itself is about $275. LOTS of crystals apparently o_O

Glad you cleared that up. For a $425 leo, I would expect a rocket launcher installed under each cheek.

I am trying not to think about this, as I am for sure on the hook for a new leo and new warmups for the girl, who grew, and rumor has it that the boys are also getting new comp gear this year. I can't imagine I'll be out the door on all of that for less than $600. :eek:
$500 for competition leo with warm up suit. Our girls are also encouraged but not required to purchased a practice tank leo that matches the competition leo for a fabulous price of $100.
$500 for competition leo with warm up suit. Our girls are also encouraged but not required to purchased a practice tank leo that matches the competition leo for a fabulous price of $100.
Wow! The practice leo is $100! Ours is a GK, embroidered with the gym name, and 'only' $38!
If we're doing totals: comp leo, practice leo, full sweats, gym backpack: $395

ETA: I think there is some rule about solid white tennis shoes.... but I haven't been informed of this yet. So, I'm not sure.
$500 total got me 2 team competition leotards... 2 sets of warm ups with a design on the back of the jacket - not crystals, but still blingy... 2 gym bags with the same design... the "Zone fee" ... and (since it came in under budget when all was said and done) 3 meets for 2 gymnasts. Next season I may or may not be buying a new leotard (depends on if OG competes)- not buying new warm ups or bags no matter what!
Our club has competition leos. They are handed out to the girls for competitions. They wear then and return them and the coach washes them ready for the next comp. They are long sleeved and completely custom designed and made by Milano.
We have a tracksuit that girls can buy if they want. £15 for tracksuit bottoms with the gym name printed on it and £30 for a zipped hoody with the gymn name spelt out in gems on the back.
For warm up in competitions the girls are asked to wear black leggings and then a club t-shirt - £11.

Having said that, only this week DD has changed gyms and I believe the new gym has a 'hire it for the duration you need it' policy. I haven't looked into all that yet. DD's old gym hoody is so beautiful and she was so proud to be part of that team that I expect it will be worn at weekends for a few more years yet. The new club has nasty nylon tracksuits so we will only buy one of those when required!
Just heard today that the long sleeve comp Leo will be $235 and the tank Leo will be $55 :/

The meet sandals so when they go up for awards, they are wearing matching footwear, not socks vs. sneakers vs. the ever popular UGG boots. The tank leo is for special days like if the team goes somewhere to do an exhibition or just a "spirit day" where everyone wears the same practice leo.
ah, we don't have massive award ceremonies, they are held in the gym and there is a no footwear rule in the gym
Our gym TRIES to be cost conscious.
The year before OG started on team, they changed leotards (too many teams with red and black... so we switched and went with columbia blue... and navy blue warm ups). The next year (OG's first), GK messed up one of our sleeves but it was close. She wore that leotard for 2 years... and we kept the same style. Her 3rd year, GK discontinued our velvet and substituted regular nylon - didn't look good on the older gymnasts... so, for year 4, HC decided to let the girls choose. All the girls got to go through the entire GK competitive catalog and pick designs and colors. Colors changed to columbia blue and black and white. There were 4 top contenders, so HC printed the mock-ups with our colors. Then the girls had to vote for one of them... Narrowed it down to top 2 and one more round of voting. The girls (other than my gymmies and 3 others) didn't even pay attention to the prices. There were 5 girls that were respectful of a budget. In the end, we got $125 leotards (that GK was planning to discontinue the next season, but did not bother to mention this when the rep came to size the girls).
We had so much trouble with GK, that this past season, we switched to alpha factor... but that meant EVERYONE getting new leotards AND warm ups. All the Adult warm up pants were too big, so we are changing pants for next season, but we are hoping to keep the same leotard style for at least 3-4 years. So, next season (if OG competes... not sure now due to pressure from certain individuals that SHOULD have her best interest at heart), I will have to buy 1 leotard. YG can wear OG's current leo next season and hopefully the season after that!
Our leotards are cheaper but at bigger competitions clubs often have a 'warm up' leo with no sleeves for the warm up then they change into their competition long sleeved leo. I don't think you get that much in the US> Good job with the prices over there.

$325, but we were only charged $285. This year we get warm ups. WhooHoo! Can't wait to see what they cost.
Some of the really expensive leos are quite beautiful, but I still can't wrap my head around the point of it. A simple leo will not affect performance in a meet, and it isn't a beauty- or a bling- contest. Why use something so expensive. It's just impractical IMO.
I definitely think the girls like the bling and sparkles! Last year, we ran out of glitter hair spray right before the meet! DD was in tears (okay, she was 5, so disclaimer there)! I ended up running to CVS and buying regular glitter to sprinkle in her hair! The "look" definitely gives an air of confidence, I think!

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