WAG Leotards

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We too use eBay but there are online sites that do offer Leo's for as low as 15 -18. Just type in discount Leo's. Some come from discount dance store sites but are gym leos
I also like melody leotards and they are great to work with!

I also have a few leos from Jillybeansleotards. They are super reasonable. You can get them in tank or racer back. I only have them in the spandex material none in the metallic material, but they're super comfortable!!
Do you know anyone that can sew (and preferably has a serger)? I can make a simple tank leo in about 20 minutes, and that includes cutting it on and sewing the elastic in. Use a 40% off coupon at JoAnn Fabrics to get a discount on mystique or performance wear. You only need a yard or less depending on your size. I do this for my girls all the time. It's easy and cheap. Using the 40% off coupon, you can get a yard of mystique for $6.80, which is enough for me to do a leo for both of them. So, I can get two leos for about $7 and an hour of my time.

Also, one time I went to a garage sale and found a box of leos and I bought all of them. I've only seen that once, though. $1/leo!!! It was awesome.
All the above suggestions are great. Also, AllAroundGold.com sells Foxy's Leotards, and grips, and they have a 5% off coupon and free shipping right now.
UK peeps- just found this site where we can get dreamlite leotards! Link Removed

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