Proud Parent
- May 11, 2020
- 393
- 577
I think level 1 and 2 are a waste of money, not level 3 because level 3 starts the foundations for level 4 and 5. The reason I think it’s a waste of money is that it would make more sense for kids to learn those level skills and NOT compete them. Paying 1000 dollars in meet fees and a 400 dollar leotard so my kid memorizes a routine from level 1? Huge waste of money. She would have been better off just learning skills, even if she did those exact same years and could have saved parents tons of money that they would need to cough up in later levels.I'm confused regarding the notion of L2 or L3 being "a waste of time and money." What are your goals for your kid? To have fun, remain fit/build strength and skills, and gain valuable life lessons? They can do that at any level, and the time and money cost just increases the higher up you go. I really would not overthink this. If you're happy with the gym overall, and your child is thriving, second-guessing a level 2 vs a level 3 placement is not something to waste bandwidth on especially since your child is only 7.