GLM - I feel your pain, dd has to do the same type of crap on bars. It seems that some nights all she does is cast handstands. She gets very frustrated with the coach, she came out last night with her face all red and the first words out of her mouth is, "I hate him!" Obviously, her last rotation was bars!
GJ - Great things going on for your dd, it does sound like it will be an interesting fun summer.
VGM - Sounds like all is going well at the new gym. Even if she does do 8 again, it sounds like she is doing a lot of uptraining!!!!
As for my dd, last night she told me that HC told her that she was working very hard (yeah, compliment!!!) on beam. HC wants her to try to work side aerial into switch leg BWO. It's hard to explain, but very interesting - something like the way the BWO is done it is upgraded to a C skill (I don't nkow, this is what dd is telling me, but I'd like to assume that HC knows what she is talking about).
Dd also told me that I won't see her doing pike Yurchenkos in practice anymore, HC wants her to work tucks. HC said that when she pikes she arches her back and if she continues to do that, she will never progress to layout, which is ultimate stretch goal. So, she is working tucks with rounded back which is the correct progression to LO. As for competing though, until she gets the LO, she will continue to compete the pike.
On floor, dd was showing me all the crazy turn/jumps/leap combinations that HC wants her to be working last night while we were watching So You Think You Can Dance. You can just see the fire in dd's eyes - she is loving every minute of everything!!!! HC also has mentioned again that dd is due for a new routine, I wish she would tell me either way so I can budget the routine into my finances...