Living in one state competing for another

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Coach/Proud Parent
Proud Parent
Ok heres a question that I have had asked of me .. Though I have a call in to usag and several others I was just wondering if anyone had an answer. I do not want to give a parent a wrong answer and personally feel state 1 has plenty of good gyms
There are gymnasts living in one state and traveling daily the 2 hrs to another to compete out of their state. Their residence,schools etc. is actually in state one and they do practice 5 days a week in state 2 but prefer not to compete for their state. They drive daily both ways and never reside in state 2.
:confused::confused:Don't know what exactly you are asking, but that is very common here where I live. I am right at the border of NY and CT and kids participate/compete for gyms in one state yet may live in another. (and other sports as well) For kids who go to private school they often live in one state and attend school in the other (day school, not boarding). No big deal?
I am not a coach, but I know there are several gymnasts on the CB that do just that. Usually because they have not found any gyms in the area that work well for their kids for whatever reason. I don't think USAG has any residency rules.
sorry if this was unclear. it was a question about representing your state meet
sorry if this was unclear. it was a question about representing your state meet

Any athlete affiliated with a member club competes in USAG as part of that member club. They will compete in the qualifying and state meets that their member club participates in.
So is the question whether she can attend the state meet for the state she lives in, not the one her gym is in? We live near a state line too and there are kids that live in one state, but go to a gym in the other. They always go to the gym's state meet. Maybe she could go to her home state meet as independant instead of representing a gym, but I'd think she'd want her coaches with her.
Here is the USAG residency rule:

1. The geographic location of the gymnast’s club or team determines the residency of the gymnast.
2. If the gymnast resides in one state and her club or team is located in another neighboring state, the following
regulations exist:
a. A gymnast may compete in the State Meet based upon:
1) The state in which her club is located, OR
2) The state in which she actually resides.
b. The gymnast may NOT compete in both State Meets.
c. The gymnast must compete in the proper Regional meet, based upon the State Meet in which she competed.
3. A club MUST compete in the State Meet(s) of the state in which the club is located.​
you go to the state meet where your gym is located. this doesn't mean you can't do other meets in other states Our gym goes to several meets in the states around us on a regular basis but we have to do states at the state where the gym is located.

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