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You have set a great example for all of us gym moms out there in the way you dealt with this. You are doing what's best for your DD. I think most of us will face this situation sooner or later. Wishing you and your family the best. I do have to admit that the selfish part of me hopes I'll see you posting shortly that she's decided to go back. She's just so darn good.
Sending hugs and hoping things get better. Olivia's health should come first, it is kind of scary how the pressure of gymnastics could affect their health so much. Glad you were able to get to the bottom of what was happening and I hope her stomach issues resolve. I went through my daughter talking about quitting this year is was really hard since she never came out and said she wants to stop she always was fine at practice but she did want to try other things so we did do both while she stayed in gymnastics it turned out that she is now glad she did not quit. She is looking at things differently now she goes to the meets and tries her best but is no longer putting as much pressure on herself. Maybe Olivia needs a break and will return some day but there is a ton of other activites out there. She should be having fun not having stomachs over a a sport, as others have said you made the correct decision.
Just wanted to ask if you had any idea she was feeling this way? I didn't remember reading anything about her wanting to quit before. I know she was injured and struggling with that. I ask because we think as parents that we stay pretty in-tune with what our DD's want, but maybe we don't read them as much as we think. Was it a shock to you?

We as parents don't ever want our DD's to have any physical discomfort from the stress of something as meaningless as gymnastics. It's supposed to be fun for them afterall. My DD is younger and just a beginner really compared to yours, but I try to watch for any unhappiness.

I was sick recently with an upset stomach and didn't have a way to get DD to practice other than taking her myself. I drove her and suffered through practice. A group of parents commented that I was too sick and should just pull her out, but I said she'd be disappointed to miss and I'd feel sick either way and at least at practice she wasn't bothering me. A dad told me I should cherish the days when they would be so sad to miss practice because pretty soon I'd be dragging her in kicking and screaming. It's sad that any parent would force their kiddo to do something if they are that unhappy. The day I have to drag her to gym is the day I withdraw her.
I'm so sorry that your dd hasn't been feeling well at all! Stress can manifest itself in some very physical ways. I truly hope that now that she's not stressed about gym that she'll be better. Stick around, your a perfect example of a parent who has put their dd 1st and kept it about what they want and need.
I just want to add my best to you. You are a caring mother who handled a very hard situation with grace.
I'm really sorry to hear about all this, but I also give you lots of credit for being perceptive about what is best for her and the way you are handling it. Gym becomes a family affair and I think we all get so used to the routine that imagining them quitting is just unimaginable! I hope this turns out to be a good decision for her and for your family and that she can move on to try some other things happily!
I also think its great you are listening to what is best for your child!
I think more parents need to think things over and just decide sometimes.

I wish her luck in her new adventures and know that gymnastics that she has done will be wonders for what ever she decides to do in the future!
I'm sorry to hear about the stomach troubles. My DD had some stomach-aches this year and a few times didn't want to go to gym/ballet/school - I think she may have been over-tired and feeling worn out rather than nervous about anything, and the problems seemed to go away after a while. There is a girl in my DD's gym class who has recently started having problems with nerves and stomach problems, it seems it may have started when the class changed to another coach.

I hope your DD feels better soon and finds some other activities that she enjoys. The time and money is never wasted. Practising a sport like this teaches discipline and many great life lessons which stay with us throughout life.
I am so sorry to hear about the stomach aches. I am gald you have figured it out. Stress is a huge deal for all of us and our kids certainley need us as parents to help them learn to deal with it.

Three Cheers to you!!!

I know no matter what your DD decides to do her gymnastics has made her a great athlete and she will know sucess elsewhere because of it.

I have been told there really is life after the gym :) and we will all one day experience this.

Keep us posted on how and where life takes you both. You have much wisdom and compassion.
From your picture, she looks pretty young. I just want to encourage you that she may want to go back, and be better than ever because she's more mature, secure, stronger, got to try other things, etc. I've seen girls make pretty strong comebacks after sitting out for a year or two. Be strong!! At least you love her enough to let her make this decision. She will always love and respect you for that, because you didn't force her to continue when she didn't want to.
:weepy: Boo Netty :( I will miss you and miss sharing war stories with you. Our DDs being the same age and level in the same region made me feel like we were kindred spirits.

Please do check in often and fill us in on Olivia's future endeavors. I am sure she will thrive in whatever she chooses...

Happy Holidays!
Older DD and I can attest to, "There is life after gym." It was hard at first for DD, but she learned to head on everything with passion. She is into Drama now and it may never have happened had she remained in the gym. She is set to graduate this year and she plans to continue Theatre. Nothing is ever guaranteed, but like others have stated new doors will open and Olivia will be ready for them. Good luck to her in all she tries and does.

And Mom, you do inspire me with your strength. It is evident that you were in it for your DD's sake. DD held the reighns as it should be! Happy holidays!!
Good luck to Olivia in her next chapter of life. Her time in this sport has prepared her for whatever else she chooses to do - she will be successful!

As for mom, I 'm sure it's hard, but like you said there is also relief! ;)

Please do hang around and keep us posted on her next adventure!
Wow. This seems so sudden to me. I was just getting to know you and your dd and now I will miss you a lot. I hope she feels much better and much relieved. Maybe she will return after a rest and unwinding. Maybe she will find another sport more to her liking. Gymnastics makes kids into great athletes- they excel at whatever sport they try. Please come back and chat. I've enjoyed posting with you and I'd love to hear about Olivia's adventures in other interests too.
This sport can be so hard - and so hard to leave:(
Best wishes to you and to your dd. I am certain that their are many bright things in the future for her. Take it a day at a time. and let us know how it goes.
I wanted to say thanks to everyone for their support. It really means a lot to me knowing I have so many people behind us on this. I met with the owner and the coach last night, without Olivia there. They both wanted to make sure she was doing this for the right reasons, was she sure, maybe go back to level 6, cut back on hours, blah, blah. I said she seemed sure to me. But, I did agree to let her go in and talk to the coach. Originally I said I'd take her in tomorrow but I think I'm going to wait a week. Give her more time to think about things.

Someone asked if I saw this coming. In one word ~ NO! Seriously, she never gave us any indication she wasn't happy. She had her first level 7 meet, had to scratch floor which may have bothered her more than she let on but she never said so to me. She actually made light of the situation by saying she got a perfect score on floor! She is only 9 years old and has been doing gymnastics for 6 years, 3.5 of them on team. I'm as baffled as most people are but it is what it is. She needs to follow her heart and I just don't think her heart's in it anymore. But, this too may change. The owner was very gracious and really understood. She had 2 daughters in the sport and knows what they go through. So, they'll always be there in the future if she wants to return.

The more I think about this the more I think it's the right thing and she'll do great at whatever she decides to do.
You are a shining example of smart parenting. Give yourself a (((HUG))) from me.
Hey Lynette,

I'm sorry to hear Olivia is having such a hard time. I know for Kayla when we went to Co-op they took some big steps backward and repeated level 5. This really helped a lot of the damage caused by the other gym on town.

I know Liv has been plagued with injuries for such a young gymnasts and has shown such courage and a great attitude throughout. You can be so so proud of her.

The step backward is just a thought but trying other things may not be a bad thing either.

Tell Liv we're thinking of her and keep in touch.

Sue Z.
I too hope her stomach issue is nerves so she can get back to feeling better quickly :) I wish your daughter the best in all she does and I think she will do well at any other sport she picks up because gymnastics seems to give a good foundation. :) Definately hang out anyway you still have valuable experience to share!
You are handling the whole situation incredibly well. Olivia will thank you for supporting her in this decision. My parents did and I love them so much for it! And yes, there is life after gym :) I'm sure she will be successful at whatever she chooses to do next. And you get a 10.0 for great parenting.

One thing - I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet - but have you asked the doctor about ulcers? I had one while I was a gymnast, and since stress makes the pain come on more strongly it would get bad during meets and before practices. Just something to ask about, I suppose. I hope she gets to feeling better soon.


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