My dd found gymnastics when she was age that is considered "too old" by some to start competitive gymnastics. However, she has natural talent, strength, and a fantastic work ethic (<--proud mama). We shopped around for a gym that was a good fit, and happened to land at a program that had switched to Xcel away from JO Compulsory that season. (Although, she was offered spots on every team we visited. Not trying to brag, just illustrating that she could have gone down either path) This gym trains similar hours to JO Compulsory programs in the area, the coaches focus on form, the girls uptrain, and condition fiercely.
Xcel was hands-down the perfect program for my dd...and here's why:
-She has always been able to add tricks to her routines as she acquired the new skills. If DD was a Compulsory gymnast, she would have been held back because she didn't have 1 particular skill or another. For example, in Xcel, she competed nearly her whole first season of Silver without her ROBHS. She added it at the end of the season. It was amazing and exciting to watch!
Her coaches are able to train each gymnast "organically"... Developing new skills as their bodies/minds are ready. The whole gym environment is extremely encouraging...less pressure on "level" and more focus on the journey of each gymnast.
And I must add...Xcel competitions are extremely competitive. The range of skills vary widely within each level, but gymnasts with good form receive top scores (same as in Compulsory). Gyms that train higher hours tend to have gymnasts on the podium (same as in Compulsory). BUT the music changes with every floor routine (thankfully NOT the same as Compulsory! ;-)
And to speak a little on my dd's overall gymnastics path...she's has 3 competition seasons. 2 @ Silver. 1 @ Gold/4/5. She scored out of Compulsory levels 4 and 5 last season, and plans to make the switch to JO Optionals this season. I firmly believe that her progress would have been stunted in a JO Compulsory program.
I completely agree with Xcel being an awesome program for older gymnasts. My daughter went to a rec-only gym (they had no competitive teams of any type) for a couple of years, but really wanted to compete. So, I looked around at other gyms in the area and found one that looked pretty good and said they were willing to put her in the developmental/pre-team class for the rest of the school year and would then evaluate her for team. We switched her, and this was in late March of last year (2014), when she was 9 years old (she turned 10 during the competition season). So, basically a year ago. At the end of April, so after being at the new gym for about 4 or 5 weeks, they said she could do Xcel Silver. Keep in mind at this point her big skills were a maybe a cartweel and roundoff on the floor, pullover and glide swing on the bars, jumping onto the table for vault and really not much on beam at all (I'm serious, she couldn't hardly walk across it without falling off). Fast forward a year... by the state meet, she place 3rd on bars and in the top 10 in vault, beam, floor and AA. She can do a ROBHSBHS, ROBHSBT, FHS, back extension rolls and many dance skills (that she had NONE of because they didn't work on those at all at the rec gym) on floor; handstand, RO dismount and handstand dismount, leaps and turns on beam, straddle, casts past horizontal, hip circle, kip (still not super consistent on this one though), almost has a free hip circle, jump to high bar, tap swing on bars, HS-flatback, FHS and half on vaults. She's training front and back layous, just started twists, front tuck and gainer dismounts and HS-BWO on beam, perfecting her kip, HS on bars, and doing progressions for yurchenko style vaults (still on the tumble track with mats into the pit for that one; not ready for the table yet).
Anyway, her progress in just a year has been amazing, but it's also been very asynchronous, which her coaches assured me is common with older girls. She would get skills on one apparatus but not have something on another one, So, Xcel was perfect for her.

I think it's awesome that they had a place for her and that she was able to compete even though she came to the game a bit late. Her coaches have said that they love having having her, and they said that JO Optionals is a real possibility for her if she keeps progressing well. So, it appears (at least at our gym) that you can switch to JO, if you have the skills to do it. I know that's my daughter's goal.
Sorry for the long, rambling post... I just wanted to point out that one purpose (although not the main purpose) of Xcel is to offer something to older girls who come to the sport a little later. Most of the girls at our gym and here on CB (on both the JO and Xcel teams) seem to have started by 3 y/o - and many started in the parent and tot class at 18 mo. Anyway, 9/10 years old isn't too late, especially if you have the right coach. I wish more gyms would realize that, and I'm really glad we found one that's been so great for our daughter.
I still can't believe how good she's gotten in just one year. She loves it so much, too. I've never seen her be so passionate about anything before, and it makes me so proud to watch her work so hard for something she loves. She's really grown maturity-wise, too, and I think a lot of it is from the discipline she gets at gymnastics. No more fighting over homework, going to bed, etc. She just does it. That alone is worth any amount we are paying in tuition.