I almost feel you're going through painful withdrawal from the easy life of just watching your child have fun in both sports.
Nail. Head.
Well the discussion with DD went much easier than I thought. I explained what gym had said, and that if she wanted to continue there everything else would have to stop. Her first thought was that she would miss her friends, which said a lot to me. She can't understand why they would ask her to give up her chance at the olympics, if they aren't offering that goal themselves (!). She also said she doesn't feel ready for an increase in hours in the gym...
She suprisingly came out with a lot of positives- sundays off, being able to go visit family a bit more, go on holiday, see school friends.
Funnily enough as we came out of training yesterday we saw a friend from her other sport who has just started gymnastics- there's a club on site and there's a bit of crossover, they seem to send the kids there for extra conditioning and flexibility training and they work together a little. So she's agreed to try out next week. I think she should also try out at another club locally, just to see all her options. The added benefit is I can ask for DD2 to try out for team too and she can go there while DD trains.
So all that remains is to tell the gym
. I don't know whether to make a clean break and just e-mail that she's not coming back in....Honestly I'm quite upset at the way we've been treated, we've been very committed and must have one of the best attendance records, and there are others who have been allowed to take time off or have breaks.
Will she get the chance to compete out of region for her other sport in the next year? What age do they have national squad? That would seem like a great goal to aim for.
She already has competed nationally and done extremely well. This is what started this off- they want to prepare her for trials for the 2014/15 national squad, so asked for an extra couple of hours a week.