Women Mary Lee Tracy Named New Elite Development Coordinator

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But doesn't the highest profile program in the organization deserve to have leadership from someone better than a person who we are hoping has learned from the past and who will need to be watched like a hawk? I mean, it's one thing not to rush to judgment against someone because that person was slow to abandon Nassar or previously behaved in ways that we now recognize are damaging to athletes, but it's quite another to put someone like that in charge of a very visible, high performance program.

I'm not a coach or an insider, but this looks to me like yet another serious, self-inflicted wound on the part of USAG. It's astonishing to me that absolutely no institutional learning appears to be occurring.
Yep. Who ya got? Do you know of someone that fits that bill that wants the job?
I wonder who would be qualified to have that job that wouldn’t have some skeletons in the closet... I would assume that Mary Lee has grown, evolved, matured and might not be doing the same things that were common and even considered “appropriate” back then. As far as the Nassar comment, many were fooled. It’s no excuse but it’s the truth. I am going to hope that they are considering both honoring the survivors and the developing future elites (2024 hopefuls and beyond). People were down on Tom and he has shown to be a positive choice thus far... she’s giving up a lot to do a very thankless job - maybe we could give her a chance?!
I wonder who would be qualified to have that job that wouldn’t have some skeletons in the closet... I would assume that Mary Lee has grown, evolved, matured and might not be doing the same things that were common and even considered “appropriate” back then. As far as the Nassar comment, many were fooled. It’s no excuse but it’s the truth. I am going to hope that they are considering both honoring the survivors and the developing future elites (2024 hopefuls and beyond). People were down on Tom and he has shown to be a positive choice thus far... she’s giving up a lot to do a very thankless job - maybe we could give her a chance?!
Thank you for this! My feelings exactly.
For those that haven't seen it and dont wanna take the time to look it up ...
mlt fb post.webp
If an organization is being run in a way that discourages the best people from taking leadership roles, maybe the problem is with the organization. I don't really know much about the elite world, but if those of you in the know are telling me that there is not a single person on the women's side who has a consistent history of treating athletes with respect and support, not engaging in damaging coaching behaviors, and who did not continue to express vocal support for Nassar after, let's just say, late October 2016 who would be willing to take the job, well, that speaks volumes about where USAG is now and how much fundamental work the organization has to do in order to right itself.

If an organization is being run in a way that discourages the best people from taking leadership roles, maybe the problem is with the organization. I don't really know much about the elite world, but if those of you in the know are telling me that there is not a single person on the women's side who has a consistent history of treating athletes with respect and support, not engaging in damaging coaching behaviors, and who did not continue to express vocal support for Nassar after, let's just say, late October 2016 who would be willing to take the job, well, that speaks volumes about where USAG is now and how much fundamental work the organization has to do in order to right itself.

I am not privy at all to inside information and did not read over the job description when posted, but I think I've heard that to take on this role you have to give up coaching your own athletes. So while I do think there is a new wave of newer/younger elite coaches who are trying to rebrand elite gymnastics and utilize more positive techniques, I'm not sure any of those people are at a place where they would be willing to walk away from their own athletes. So USAG is left with the old guard of coaches- those who came to fame in a time when more damaging coaching practices were the norm and have already started to pass off the elite coaching responsibilities in their gym. That being said, there have to be elite coaches out there with a positive track record who don't currently have an elite group who are more than capable of taking on this job and the fact that they aren't jumping to apply does suggest deep flaws within the organization.
If an organization is being run in a way that discourages the best people from taking leadership roles, maybe the problem is with the organization. I don't really know much about the elite world, but if those of you in the know are telling me that there is not a single person on the women's side who has a consistent history of treating athletes with respect and support, not engaging in damaging coaching behaviors, and who did not continue to express vocal support for Nassar after, let's just say, late October 2016 who would be willing to take the job, well, that speaks volumes about where USAG is now and how much fundamental work the organization has to do in order to right itself.


This is exactly what I think the issue is. No one really worth having would touch this job with a barge pole. USAG is so flawed at this point. I am amazed that parents still trust them to get it right, especially considering how little they have actually said on the issues. I would not trust them at all.

What a dreadful situation for the gymnasts.

I have little faith that people really change, because real change takes many years. Weighing is one thing of the past, but other issues have been discussed on other private forums.

From one of her ex gymnasts.

Link Removed

Tom Forsters FB post welcoming her was also an oddity, he seems to have deleted that now. I do have a screenshot, so maybe I will post later.
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What happened a couple months ago? The weighing in picture was from 20 years ago...

Her defending Nasser, defending the conditions on the ranch, dismissing everything the former elites said and then backing up Kelli Hill when she was accusing them of lying about conditions...She also has a long, long, long history of body shaming. Like even as she attempts to tamp it down because it's not "allowed" anymore, her comments about the "international look" (=thin) and crap like that still come out. It's obvious she holds the same opinions.

I absolutely believe people can change, but I don't believe people do a 180 degree about face in 4 months. Change takes time...

And all the headlines this morning read "USA Gymnastics appoints coach who defended Nasser to top spot" So way to go there USAG. I'm sure that's going a long way to rebuild trust in the organization and clean up its image.

ETA: Also to note...her FB statement did not include a single word of remorse for how she treated her elites in the past, or apology for her abhorrent behavior as the elites were speaking out. So...not holding out hope for any "change."
Also as to the comment that Nasser fooled many, yes, he did. Pedophiles are great at fooling people.

AFTER over FIFTY survivors had come forward. AFTER that, Mary Lee Tracy made a big statement about how wonderful he was and that she didn't believe it.

Fifty unrelated girls said a doctor was sexually assaulting them and her response was to not believe them.

And that's who USAG just put in charge of the developmental team in the post-Nasser era.
Lets change one word in this conversation from coach to teacher. Why is acceptable to give a coach a second chance under these circumstances when I would never let my child be in a class room with a teacher who back up a child molester, fat shaming and verbal abuse. There is no second chances when it comes to my child! I took my kiddo out of a abbusive situation that was a product of this lady. No second chances. Sorry!!!
Seems to me USAG has made another poor choice. Change or no change sometimes there is just to much water under the bridge. USAG should have picked someone else. If no current coaches with elite standing wanted the job, it was USAG's duty to find the next new coach who did want the job. I would have looked to former Elite gymnasts who know the ins and outs of this sport, one who wanted to change the culture.
So, will I be a parent who is putting my daughters dreams and goals above her safety by sending her to camps run by Tom and Mary Lee?
I have no idea, but don't forget that your daughter has gotten pretty far having not gone to a single camp. For some, their own coaches and programs are enough and the development program is not crucial to reaching their dreams and goals.

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