role call
I have 4 kids. BeeBee Loo is my youngest DD and has been doing gymnastics for a year now. She was in dance and acro before that. She is 8 years old and started out last year at the lowest level at her gym. She zoomed through 2 levels, skipped a third, and is now in the highest level rec level for both the regular gymnastics and tumbling. Her tumbling coach mentioned her being ready for pre-team in the fall but neither one of us are interested in the competition aspect of gymnastics for a lot of reasons. Gymnastics is her fun and games - she laughs with joy the whole time she is there. Tumbling is her true love and where she really excels. The Brain is my oldest daughter at 9 years of age. She is usually in dance but likes to do gymnastics in the summer. She wanted to take tumbling this summer and has found it really is not her cup of tea - too much work. Next up is my youngest son Davinci. He is 11 years old and likes anything he can do sitting on his fanny - drawing, reading, etc. He also loves to act and take things apart to see how they work. He did try both dance and gymnastics briefly but has a coordination disorder and severe hypontonia that makes coordinated movement difficult. My oldest son, Mozart, is 13 and has been in dance since he was 4 years old. He also took acro through dance and some tumbling at gymnastics but hasn't done any for over a year now. I was so suprised the other day when he did a beautiful back walk over for his dance teacher. It was gorgeous for not having done one in so long. BeeBee Loo of course had something to say about his bent legs and endeavored to give him corrections/suggestions of which he really didn't want to hear.