Parents Maybe we need a little roll call

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My Dd is a 12 yo level 8. She has been training 9 but will be competing 8 for a little longer until she is ready. She's a hard worker. She is also a talented soccer player. She's been in the gym since age 3.
I am fairly new to CB and have 3 kids. My youngest is my gymnast and she is 9 and training level 5. She started gymnastics a little late at almost 8 taking a rec. class. She competed 2 seasons competing as a level 3 and is hoping to compete as a level 5 in the fall but still needs her kip! LOL! I really appreciate all the advice I have gotten on here. It is so nice to have somewhere to go with all my questions as I navigate the somewhat confusing gymnastics world!
My dd is 6 and training L5, but probably at least a year away from that (her gym doesn't compete L4). She is in the gym 9 hours a week.....she loves it dearly, but for me I'm wondering what I've gotten myself/my wallet and her into. LOL! I also have a 10 year old son, who eats sleeps and breathes baseball!
Hello everyone... been around a few years off and on. DD is 12 and will compete level 10 and training elite. We don't compete until Jan. so we will see what happens. :)

Good Luck! I would love to hear how it goes. I know it's a tough path to train elite and to even be a 12 year old level 10, but please post how it goes. It would be nice to hear from a parent whose child is further up in the elite process than training elite in the early stages. I have a few friends and aquaintances whose kids are also in this process and listening to their joys and struggles has been very interesting. Actually, a friend of mine just moved across the country last year for better training and her daughter will also be a 12 yr old level 10 this upcoming season who is training elite.
I have three DD's, and all of them are taking gymnastics. My oldest is 7, and is a new level 4. She will begin competing in the Fall. My middle DD is 4.5, and she is taking a Kinder class. My youngest DD will turn 3 in two weeks. She just moved from Mommy and Me classes to a Preschool class. She is my itty-bitty daredevil (she's a whole head shorter than everyone else in her class).

I am also a former gymnast/gym fan. I, like one of the other moms who posted in this thread, fell in love with the sport during the Kim Zmeskal/Shannon Miller era. ;) I have plenty of old competitions on VHS. I competed level 5 in the early 90s, and then taught rec. gymnastics all through Jr. and Sr. High. I would like to teach again someday, when my girls are all a little bit older.
Hello everyone. I am the father of an 8 year old training level 5 currently. All she needs is that darn kip! I am also married to Dezi, she posted on the first page.
1808 views and only 65 posts!! Ok where are the other 1743 people LOL.
Don't be afraid - we really don't bite - we might knaw on you a bit but it won't hurt LOL.
Go ahead take the plulnge and make this your first post.
^^ i know i have viewed this page at least 5 times. other gymnasts and coaches are probably looking at it too to see who all the new members are :D

to other people who are looking at this as guests, as cher said take a plunge and make this your first post!!
Even if you are not a gym parent (like me). If you are interested in gymnastics and are a gym aunt, gym grandma, gym friend, or a friend of any of the above (who says family has to be blood). We all have something to contribute. People on this board welcome all who have an interest in gymmies and are eager to support them.
Hi. I'm a coach and a gym mum (DS is 1 and is in tots classes since I figured he could climb on other people's stuff). I even do a bit of gym occasionally when I'm not injured. I've been a member of chalkbucket for a while but only recently started visiting regularly (and I love it) :)
Well, I am not new - I have posted before, just not often!

My dd is 12 and hopes to do national novice this next season (similar to L10 in U.S., I think?) - she has been in gym since age 5 and still appears to love it just as much as ever, although I will say that it changes as they grow and achieve higher levels. Definitely more serious now, with a sharper edge - but in a good way. She doesn't seem to be phasing out of it at all, which is also interesting as most of the girls she started with are gone now. As I said, it seems to morph into something else as they grow with their sport - what starts out as a lot of fun (cause they all love it when they're 6, LOL!) either changes into a true passion, or runs its course by age 12 or 13 - depends of course on the gym and its philosopies, too.

At any rate, it would appear she is in it for the long haul (barring major injury, knock on wood - something I always worry about), and my husband and I are along for the ride!

Hello - I am completely new to this sport and having been using CB to become a 'more informed' parent. I'm not good at asking questions in person - so this is the perfect venue for me to find out terminology and such.

My DD's will be 7 at the end of this month. They will be doing their first competitive season this year in Pre-Op Novice since our gym considers this L3 and CT doesn't compete L3. This gym is huge into up training - so I'm excited to see how the meets work out and if the girls enjoy competing. Summer schedule is 6 hours a week - but the girls are also attending 2 weeks of camp at the gym. I'm hoping they'll hold up well during these intense weeks. I think I'm the nervous one - they are thrilled!

My DD's really enjoy gymnastics and do seem to be a bit competitive with one another. I tried to get them into different activities, but both really LOVED gymnastics and were willing to give up all other activities when I said that gym was getting expensive. (they got me!)

Quick question - any other parent's out there have a daughter who shows a HUGE preference for the gender of their coaches? Last 2 season, the girls had a female coaches and my DD2 worked - but not that hard and had her fair share of complaining. Since summer began, they now have the 2 male coaches. DD2 obviously loves the guys (I am SO in trouble later on) and works harder than I've ever seen her to impress them. It's almost too funny to watch!
Hello - I am completely new to this sport and having been using CB to become a 'more informed' parent. I'm not good at asking questions in person - so this is the perfect venue for me to find out terminology and such.

Quick question - any other parent's out there have a daughter who shows a HUGE preference for the gender of their coaches?

Welcome to the CB and we hope you love it here and ask lots of questions too.

My Daughter has always prefered male coaches since she was young. At 14yo she definitly does better with a male coach but still does love her female coach too. (she has one of each).
I have 2 DDs in gymnastics. Oldest is 6 years old and will compete level 2 this season. My youngest is 4 and started preteam this summer. They both love it and i am enjoying watching them grow and learn new skills.
Hello - I am completely new to this sport and having been using CB to become a 'more informed' parent. I'm not good at asking questions in person - so this is the perfect venue for me to find out terminology and such.

My DD's will be 7 at the end of this month. They will be doing their first competitive season this year in Pre-Op Novice since our gym considers this L3 and CT doesn't compete L3. This gym is huge into up training - so I'm excited to see how the meets work out and if the girls enjoy competing. Summer schedule is 6 hours a week - but the girls are also attending 2 weeks of camp at the gym. I'm hoping they'll hold up well during these intense weeks. I think I'm the nervous one - they are thrilled!

My DD's really enjoy gymnastics and do seem to be a bit competitive with one another. I tried to get them into different activities, but both really LOVED gymnastics and were willing to give up all other activities when I said that gym was getting expensive. (they got me!)

Quick question - any other parent's out there have a daughter who shows a HUGE preference for the gender of their coaches? Last 2 season, the girls had a female coaches and my DD2 worked - but not that hard and had her fair share of complaining. Since summer began, they now have the 2 male coaches. DD2 obviously loves the guys (I am SO in trouble later on) and works harder than I've ever seen her to impress them. It's almost too funny to watch!

I am also from CT! I wonder if our gym does prep op for level 3...I hadn't heard that before and since DD just had her first pre-team class last week I haven't asked too many details until we have to commit in the fall. As for coaching preference, she loves her female coach...but she tends to like girl doctors, teachers, etc. and she is still only 4.
Quick question - any other parent's out there have a daughter who shows a HUGE preference for the gender of their coaches? Last 2 season, the girls had a female coaches and my DD2 worked - but not that hard and had her fair share of complaining. Since summer began, they now have the 2 male coaches. DD2 obviously loves the guys (I am SO in trouble later on) and works harder than I've ever seen her to impress them. It's almost too funny to watch!

My older DD also does better with male coaches. She's fine with almost all coaches, but she seems to push herself a little more for the male coaches. It's almost like she doesn't want them to know if she's feeling scared to try something. On the other hand, 2 of the best coaches for her have been female, and ironically, the gym owners. They have similar styles in the way they interact with her, & it just clicks.
Quick question - any other parent's out there have a daughter who shows a HUGE preference for the gender of their coaches? Last 2 season, the girls had a female coaches and my DD2 worked - but not that hard and had her fair share of complaining. Since summer began, they now have the 2 male coaches. DD2 obviously loves the guys (I am SO in trouble later on) and works harder than I've ever seen her to impress them. It's almost too funny to watch!

My niece doesn't seem to care either way. My coach was a male and I ADORE him, to this day! He helped me through L 5-10 and I don't know where I'd be without him. The female assistant coaches... I was indifferent to lol.
My daughter (7) is competing Level 4 this year and my son (4) is in our gym's invitation level developmental classes and will probably move to pre-team sometime in the next year. Then I will be completely crazy.

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