WAG Mental Blocks

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Jul 5, 2023
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Now that its upgrade season for me, I have been getting mental blocks. A big one is my round off back handspring back tuck and my flyaway. I had both of these skills last summer, but I haven't done them in a long time due to an injury. In my back tuck, I have enough height and I can do a standing back tuck, I just can't go for it out of a backhandspring. My flyaway, I am worried about hitting the bar. I know I can probably do both of these skills, its just my brain. Another thing that might have caused this is that I had a massive growth spurt. If anyone has any tips on how to get over mental blocks I would really appreciate it!
The thing that helped me was going back to the basics and doing drills. The biggest thing to remember is to relax and not get frustrated when you don't do the skills. I try to remind my gymnasts things they did good, ex. You set was high or you let go of the bar. Or even if it is a bail, you safely bailed or the bhs was bad so I'm glad you didn't try the tuck
I also always try to make a small goal progression each practice to work towards getting my skills back.

examples of this with my current mental blocks:

- having a goal of doing a drop drill for flyaway until I am comfortable to try the next step
- having a goal of doing a low bar flyaway when I get comfortable from the previous progression
- doing a high bar flyaway with a spot when I am comfortable from the previous step
- having someone stand by me to do a flyaway until comfortable to move onto doing the skill by myself

Its also important to not rush the goals, I have rushed the goals before and have gotten to bigger mental blocks of fears that I didn't think of when I was first afraid of the skill

Hope this helps you and good luck!
Back to basics, work your way up step by step, try not to stress about it. Stressing about it makes it worse.
In my back tuck, I have enough height and I can do a standing back tuck, I just can't go for it out of a backhandspring.

1. Talk to your coach
2. How did you learn it the first time? Like others say, go back to the basics and go through the steps at a comfortable pace
3. Is it maybe helpful to start with backhandspring stop back tuck, and then speed it up till its connected as you get more comfortable?
1. Talk to your coach
2. How did you learn it the first time? Like others say, go back to the basics and go through the steps at a comfortable pace
3. Is it maybe helpful to start with backhandspring stop back tuck, and then speed it up till its connected as you get more comfortable?
I have been doing the skill/learning it the same way I learned it before. I have tried doing the back handspring, stopping, then doing the back tuck, but I can never connect them.
Have you ever tried a roundoff tuck? For me they are less scary!

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