Parents met nastia

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So my mom calls me and says guess who is going to be at the mall today ..nastia luiken. So I tell a small fib at work and my dd ,her bff and mom and I met Nastia. She is so nice. She signed posters and the girls got her shirts from the clothing line she has...and she signed that also. There was no one there. It was awesome. The girls were so excited and they told her how they compete...So cute. We we suprised how much bigger she looks on TV.
What a hoot! She is such a beautiful girl... I hope she has much success with her clothing line :D

I found out a day too late that Shawn Johnson was in a town about 10 miles away from me on Monday! She was handing out Crest toothbrushes with a group of high schoolers - I was so bummed. I for sure would have ditched all of my responsibilities & high tailed over there if I had known :D
What??!!! We are not far from you, medic! How did we miss this?! DANG!

I am sure glad you had fun, tho. Too cool! :D
WOW! How cool:cool:! The girls at our gym (or any gym for that matter!) would love that. We live in a rather isolated area, though. No one comes here:(!

BTW - Good for you, sometimes you have to take an opportunity when it rises! The girls will always remember that!
so I told everyone Ambie had a doctors appointment. Awful I know. I posted the pic in the photo gallery. She slept with the shirt under her pillow. Lol
Nice gal, met her a couple of years back while waiting in line with my friend so she could get her leotard signed. I like meeting these popular gymnasts to get an idea of who they are in person besides on the camera or at meets. Different perspective. Course, it's a bit strange as I'm typically way older than these gymnasts unless their guys.

I always told the girls I wanted to meet Mohini but it would never work out. :mad:

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