Mock meet and first real meet ever!

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Proud Parent
Mar 7, 2011
Reaction score
We need some good luck fairies for my little dd (6)! She has her mock meet Wednesday night and her first real meet on Saturday. She cracks me up because she asked me what it means to be nervous. So I asked her why and she said everyone keeps asking her if she is nervous and she wasn't sure what that meant exactly! I love the innocence of youth! I told her it means excited and hopeful that you do the best you can - not sure that's exactly the truth, but it seemed to fit. We need some good luck that she makes it over the vault and that she remembers all of her routines! Everything else is gravy...

Update - mock meet was cute and she did so good! She got all 8's and two were almost 9's! She only forgot two little things on floor and didn't forget any parts of the other routines. Her only big mistake was bars - she missed her stride circle and kind of fell forward between her front hip circle and shoot thru. They said her bars could be over a 9 soon!

She said when she went to bed tonight she was going to dream of the real meet! It just makes me smile to see how excited she is.

Thanks for indulging this proud mom!
Can't wait to hear the meet report this weekend!
Last year, I was in your exact spot, with my 6 year old about to compete in her first meet. Enjoy every moment of it - before you know it, she will be an old pro at competition! My daughter still LOVES competition, and I think being young has that advantage of not knowing how to "be nervous". Best of luck to your daughter - sounds like she is on her way to a very successful season.
What a cutie. Sounds like she did pretty good tonight. A good preperation for the meet this weekend. Keep us posted on how she did.
Sounds like she did really well. Good luck to her (and you!) this weekend. I am hoping my ds's gym does a mock meet before their first meet in 5 weeks. He is also 6. They did their recital in June like a meet, but that was a lifetime ago in the life of a 6 year old. I hope he remembers his routines too :) Post how it goes!

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