Parents Move Ups

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At our gym the girls don't know for sure what level they are competing until they are taught routines. Most people speculate based on summer training groups, but it's still very much up in the air until the very end. And then there's no official notification. Just one day my dd came home and told me she learned the level 4 beam routine. That's how we found out. :)

I wish our gym would do it this way. We move up in May but don't compete until the end of October. A lot can change in almost half a year!
Our gym does early move-ups in June for the girls that are ready. Only the girls moving early get the letters. At the end of the summer, everyone gets a letter stating level for the season.
I find it odd that things are said or letters given to the kids. Much prefer the way it is handled at our gym where training and competition levels are shared with parents first. We find out training groups in May, everyone up trains all summer and competition levels are decided sometime in the fall when they have to register for competitions.

Does your gym compete in spring? I think those of us with these odd situations happening right now is partly due to competitions starting in the fall.
We've been at 2 gyms and both formally decided in May who would be competing what level for Fall season (August/September start). One gym had formal 'testing' that was implemented in Jan, then again in late April/early May to see progress. You had to pass each skill for the next level to move up. Most of the time, it was pretty clear by this point who was actually moving up, as some girls who had been weaker on skills were already being routed into different groups without any official announcement, or had simply stopped working some skills as much (whereas others who were probably moving up were working them much more). It was pretty obvious who was shaking out into the 'advanced' group that was likely moving up, and the 'repeater' group.. Hard to watch that part unfold as parents, as one day you just show up to practice and notice your kid is now practicing with a slightly different mix of girls, and, oh, they seem to be the ones more behind on skills...and not working back walkovers on beam anymore... (back to cartwheels).. or whatever. Although from a coaching perspective I see how this makes some sense, the ones hurt most were girls on the borderline (best of the worst so to speak) who didn't really know what was coming.

One gym sent an email to the parent alerting them to the levels. I have seen both a "group" email with all names and the levels, and individual emails just about one's own child's placement.

In a few cases for repeater or 'borderline' girls, I heard the coaches shared the "testing sheet" results in person with parents to justify why the girl was not moved up.

Another gym schedules 1 on 1 (much anticipated, often very anxious) meetings with parent or parent+gymnast depending on age, and reveals the level decision and the justification. This is very anxiety-producing as families wait with baited breath, and are forced to react (or hold back a reaction) in the moment without a chance to process. Kids can cry, parents can yell... can get ugly.

I prefer the email!! If I ever have an issue with a decision, I can collect my thoughts and schedule a conversation without the immediate emotionality tainting my words. ;)
I find it odd that things are said or letters given to the kids. Much prefer the way it is handled at our gym where training and competition levels are shared with parents first. We find out training groups in May, everyone up trains all summer and competition levels are decided sometime in the fall when they have to register for competitions.
Our gym doesn't reach out to the parents unless there is a problem. Everything else is handled inside the gym. Girls have verification days some time before meet registration, and they have to show the skills for the level they want to compete. If they do, great. If not, repeat your level at that meet. If you get your skills later in the season, move up then. No need to involve the parents.
We've been at 2 gyms and both formally decided in May who would be competing what level for Fall season (August/September start). One gym had formal 'testing' that was implemented in Jan, then again in late April/early May to see progress. You had to pass each skill for the next level to move up. Most of the time, it was pretty clear by this point who was actually moving up, as some girls who had been weaker on skills were already being routed into different groups without any official announcement, or had simply stopped working some skills as much (whereas others who were probably moving up were working them much more). It was pretty obvious who was shaking out into the 'advanced' group that was likely moving up, and the 'repeater' group.. Hard to watch that part unfold as parents, as one day you just show up to practice and notice your kid is now practicing with a slightly different mix of girls, and, oh, they seem to be the ones more behind on skills...and not working back walkovers on beam anymore... (back to cartwheels).. or whatever. Although from a coaching perspective I see how this makes some sense, the ones hurt most were girls on the borderline (best of the worst so to speak) who didn't really know what was coming.

This is happening in our gym right now. They started to separate kids into 'have and have not' for kips. One kid in my gymmies group got her kip and moved. Then another. My kiddo got her kip and was so excited to be moved with the 'big girls' at the next practice, only to be told 'not today' . It was painful as a parent to see and confusing for my kiddo who (is just 7) and didn't really understand why she couldn't join the other group.
Our gym does emails for all class changes, how was she invited to level 2? I would imagine she and you would be informed in a similar manner. It does stink when there is a lack of communication and consistency. When my daughter was in Rec the Pre team coach kept coming up to her and saying she wanted her in her class and my kid would get all excited but then I would never hear about it. Turned out the preteam class was full and I had to wait till there was a spot open. It was frustrating for my kid though who kept hearing good things from the pre team coach and thinking she would be moving into that class at any minute.
We have been told a few different ways. One year they told all the girls at practice. They just lined them up and told them who was moving and who were repeating. The girls told us after practice. One year we got emails in October, saying here is the meet schedule, this is your daughters level. One year some of us (the ones moving up) got an email saying we need meet fees early for the travel meet. Since everyone in the gym knows only certain levels go to the travel meet, you knew your daughter was moving up if you got t, and repeating if you didn't, but they never officially told levels that year.
Our move up/evaluations come this week, I'm planning on grabbing it and then wisking my gymmie out of the gym as fast as possible so she has time to digest the news in private, whatever that news may be.
We've been notified different ways at different gyms, from a coach/parent meeting, to DD just being told, to a bill for competition fees by level, all the way to not knowing until we got the first meet's session schedule.

Whether she's been competing fall or spring season we have never found out prior to the end of summer training.
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We have been told a few different ways. One year they told all the girls at practice. They just lined them up and told them who was moving and who were repeating. The girls told us after practice. One year we got emails in October, saying here is the meet schedule, this is your daughters level. One year some of us (the ones moving up) got an email saying we need meet fees early for the travel meet. Since everyone in the gym knows only certain levels go to the travel meet, you knew your daughter was moving up if you got t, and repeating if you didn't, but they never officially told levels that year.

Lining them all up to tell them seems a bit harsh!
This is happening in our gym right now. They started to separate kids into 'have and have not' for kips. One kid in my gymmies group got her kip and moved. Then another. My kiddo got her kip and was so excited to be moved with the 'big girls' at the next practice, only to be told 'not today' . It was painful as a parent to see and confusing for my kiddo who (is just 7) and didn't really understand why she couldn't join the other group.

Yeah, that is rough. I'm sorry your DD got her hopes up, only to be dashed - that is the worst. Better if coach were able to give her some kind of explanation or wisdom to help the kid process the decision if they are OBVIOUSLY having 2 groups, and Kip achievement has so far been the golden ticket. :( These kids are largely rule-based thinkers trying to please, and to think you followed the rule, worked hard, achieved what was asked, ready for the coveted award, only to be denied with no explanation... Even 7 year olds, young as they are, are perceptive and deserve more respect than that. It's ok if she wasn't ready to move for other reasons (skill, maturity, form, anything..), or the group was full, or anything at all - just some kind of reason is so helpful rather than nothing.

Congrats to her on kipping at age 7, though! Fantastic! :):)
At this point, I'm not sure that's the organization I would entrust with any communication design process o_Oo_Oo_O


But some gyms could certainly use good advice from somewhere for sure :cool:

Yes I see your point . :confused:o_O
Our old gym had the kids practice with their existing groups for the summer, then at the end of summer had meetings with the kids and parents. Most kids were told their level then, but some kids were "bubble kids" and had until October 30 to get the required skills for the higher level. I have no clue how the new gym will be! Good luck! Hopefully they'll let you know the deal soon!
Yeah, that is rough. I'm sorry your DD got her hopes up, only to be dashed - that is the worst. Better if coach were able to give her some kind of explanation or wisdom to help the kid process the decision if they are OBVIOUSLY having 2 groups, and Kip achievement has so far been the golden ticket. :( These kids are largely rule-based thinkers trying to please, and to think you followed the rule, worked hard, achieved what was asked, ready for the coveted award, only to be denied with no explanation... Even 7 year olds, young as they are, are perceptive and deserve more respect than that. It's ok if she wasn't ready to move for other reasons (skill, maturity, form, anything..), or the group was full, or anything at all - just some kind of reason is so helpful rather than nothing.

Congrats to her on kipping at age 7, though! Fantastic! :):)

Thank you, you said it much more succinctly than I could have. Even a 'hey yes we are super proud of you for getting your kip, but we need you to work in this group' would have padded the disappointment.

Man, these little gymmies need to be tough, don't they?
At our gym the girls don't know for sure what level they are competing until they are taught routines. Most people speculate based on summer training groups, but it's still very much up in the air until the very end. And then there's no official notification. Just one day my dd came home and told me she learned the level 4 beam routine. That's how we found out. :)
Pretty much has been the same here!!
At our gym AAU and pre-team move up in June with knowledge of move up in April/May.

Girls are grouped by skills over the summer but no levels are given.

Coaches say they don't make a decision until August but they likely have an idea of who is staying and who is moving up...though girls labeled "staying" do have an opportunity to move to the "possible" list by slaying during the summer.

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