My daughter will be an Olympian.

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So not to Hijack your thread but how do you handle it when it is your 10yr old DD soon to be L7 tells you on a regular basis that she is going to be an Olympian???

DD tells me all the time about 2020. I just saying "keep working hard". I'm sure there's something better to say, but I don't really want to deflate her enthusiasm.
I don't think there's a need for a reality check at that age. When I was 12 I dreamed of going to the Olympics, and I was like a level 6 at that age, and in the end I never made it higher than level 8 (I was constantly doing the math until I was about 14, at which point I realized it was never gonna happen, heh). They'll figure out soon enough that the Olympics are a real long shot and probably aren't a realistic goal. And honestly? For a 10 year old level 7 and definitely for 11 year old level 9, it isn't entirely 100% out of the question. You never know! Somebody has to be on that team. Let them dream for now. ;)
Tell them to keep working hard and dreaming big! I wish I had been a dream chaser when I was younger. I'm doing, in my late 30s, many of the things I should have tried in my early 20s because I was scared. Even if they fail at their Olympic dream, they fail in a beautiful pursuit. The experiences gained in trying are what define us.
Working hard, doing your best, and enjoying what you do is NEVER "failing". It is the journey, not the destination, that brings us happiness. If you are enjoying what you are doing day in and day out, learning from your mistakes, and becoming a better person than you were yesterday, then THAT is success and all that matters.

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