Sooo... it was probably a very good thing that I didn't go anywhere major for spring break this year. First of all, I'm in a walking boot so that means I can't really do anything. The day before break started though, I started getting really bad body aches, so I was really hoping I wouldn't be sick over break. From Sunday-Tuesday, my family drove to Mall of America for a little mini vacay. On Monday night, I felt just awful and I almost convinced myself that we should go home. I toke tylenol wich made me better and I toughed it out the next two days at the mall. In the middle of the night on Weds, I was coughing really bad and could barley breath so my mom took me into urgent care where they said I had some virial thing and it would take me a couple days to get better. The next two days, I came back to the hospital and on Friday they admitted me into the hospital,with pneumonia. This is at least the fourth or fifth time that I've had it. (I thought people got pneumonia, like normal people get colds haha.) So, I've been here since Friday and I'll hopefully be going home tomorow! =] (I'm typing this post with an iv in my hand too!
So how has everyone else's break gone or is anyone doing anything fun for their spring break?

So how has everyone else's break gone or is anyone doing anything fun for their spring break?