My weight and my coach.

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My coach make commets about my weight. I'm 4'11 3/4 and 105lbs and im all muscle. I'm "thick" as my teacher would call it. I'm also flexible (most flexible in my class. Fulls splits and all soo..). My teacher is always like "pull your but in". "You have a big butt pull it in" than she will say things like "if you were smaller this would be easier" and "Your a little much to spot" lol. I don't think she is being mean I think she is being constructive. She is very strict and rough so why would'nt she talk like that.
Does anyone's coach act like that?
Thats okay right?
Coach is very competitive so I know she just wants me to be the best I can be.
If you were smaller???That doesn't make sense. You're pretty small. I'm 5'3'' so how would she like to handle that??? lol.... actually I don't have coaches like that. They won't allow that kind of talk actually. Every coach is different. I'm 5'3'' and 115 lbs. :D And proud of all of it!
that is absurd!! No coach should ever talk like that to anyone. I am 15 years old, 5'7" and 125lbs and my coaches don't complain. I am the biggest on the team. Just use their talk to motivate yourself to show them how good you can get without "getting smaller" whatever that may mean because you are perfectly fine how you are.
This is pretty common amongst many coaches, especially those who tend towards negative practices. It's more a matter of her being strict and rough and not sensitive.

Generally I would hope most coaches don't get this route considering how hard it is on pre-pubescent and pubescent athletes ( especially young girls ). We don't need any more diet disorders do we?

If you have developed upper legs, including hamstrings and glutes, you're gonna have a big butt. Our old sprint coach used to tell us we should all desire the big butt elite sprinters have.
dont worry about what they say. i am 5'1 and 115-120 pounds. i(havent been on a scale i know is accurate in a little bit) however i have a lot of muscle and also more wide muscular build:D as long as you can do what you need to do, dont worry about ur weight!!!:beam::wave::thumbsup::thumbsup::applause::jump::huge::tongue::spin:
I wouldnt worry about it. Your coach may be trying to joke with you but it's coming out wrong. Don't worry about your weight coz that doesnt help your gymnastics. Just concentrate on being the best that you can. Or perhaps confront you coach and tell her that you don't like some of the comments that she makes about your weight.
You are definitely not too big, says the 130 pound, 5' 4" me. Your coach could either be trying to joke with you but having it turn out wrong or have the absurd idea that all gymnasts need to be small, twiggish girls. I say, if you are healthy, which you are, ignore her comments.
Your weight is perfectly fine! As a gymnast, a huge percentage of that weight is muscle. I am 5'2 and 120 lbs. I took a body fat percentage test, and the amount of fat in my weight was 16%. Healthy women have a percentage of 18-24%, while athletic women are closer to 12-18%. Also, remember that muscle weighs more than fat, so your weight may not be the best way to measure how fit you are. As long as you feel comfortable with your body and can perform the skills you need to at the gym, your weight is completely perfect for you!
you are definately not overweight. I'm 5'0 and weigh like 120. I have very muscular legs, butt, arms, and shoulders. My old coach (the one that got fired) would always tell everyone that they were fat, but she was super mean about it, and stuff, and like i mentioned, she was fired.
Like everyone else has said, you are definately not overweight. I don't remember how it came up, but one time, our coach told us that muscle weighs three times as much as fat does. Just a random fact :p.
Yeah, muscle is way denser than fat, and does actually weigh more(that is why you can NEVER go by that BMI thing, b/c it may tell you you're overweight, when you're at like, 17% body fat, which is NOT overweight). Kick her in the head next time she spots you. J/K. But if you're super muscular, then you're not fat. Look at body builders. Shoot, look at Shawn Johnson, you think she is fat? She is a brick house. I would tell your coach that it bothers you she says that as much as she does, constructive or not, you can't help the way you're built.
My coach make commets about my weight. I'm 4'11 3/4 and 105lbs and im all muscle. I'm "thick" as my teacher would call it. I'm also flexible (most flexible in my class. Fulls splits and all soo..). My teacher is always like "pull your but in". "You have a big butt pull it in" than she will say things like "if you were smaller this would be easier" and "Your a little much to spot" lol. I don't think she is being mean I think she is being constructive. She is very strict and rough so why would'nt she talk like that.
Does anyone's coach act like that?
Thats okay right?
Coach is very competitive so I know she just wants me to be the best I can be.

ur really flexible
My coach make commets about my weight. I'm 4'11 3/4 and 105lbs and im all muscle. I'm "thick" as my teacher would call it. I'm also flexible (most flexible in my class. Fulls splits and all soo..). My teacher is always like "pull your but in". "You have a big butt pull it in" than she will say things like "if you were smaller this would be easier" and "Your a little much to spot" lol. I don't think she is being mean I think she is being constructive. She is very strict and rough so why would'nt she talk like that.
Does anyone's coach act like that?
Thats okay right?
Coach is very competitive so I know she just wants me to be the best I can be.

You certainly don't sound fat to me. Are you naturally flexible? I noticed that super flexible people tend to develop un-twiggy physiques because their super wide range of motion enables them to use muscles that a stiffer person couldn't. And you can never trust that BMI thingie. Not only is it not customized for your body, it's made for AVERAGE people. People who are far less fit, active, and muscular than a gymnast. And we all know muscle weighs more than fat. Also, take your bone frame into account. Your bones take up some of your body mass too. You could be a larger-boned person. For instance, my mom is really fine-boned but considerably overweight. And even with all that fat on her, she doesn't look much bigger than me. Like, I clearly have a much larger body than her.
I know there are a lot of coaches who are strict and talk like your's, but she might be getting out of hand if it ever bothers you or if she means harsh critique on your body type which isn't your fault. But just as long as you're totally comfortable than it's OK. Just know how to work with your body and be strong enough to make it do what you want it to. ;)
I've never believed in the scale. It's BS, imo! It just flashes a bunch of numbers that don't specify whether the person standing on it is out-of-shape, atrophied, or fat-free.
I once had a coach like that. I am also built exactly like you are. Im 5'1'' and 135 but im all muscle and I can't do anything to lose weight. I tried every diet out there and workout even after practice was over to try to burn more calories. My coach was always like you need to be at a healthy weight to be able to preform your skills safely. I didn't have any doubt that that is true but I wasn't gaining weight and I was learning skills correctly. I was the most flexiable girl in the gym and had some of the best leaps and jumps in the gym. She always made comments indirectly about everyone losing weight but she was really talking to certain people about their weight. I don't think it becomes an issue until your personally safety is at risk. I dont think that your coach should be making comments like that to you in front of everyone. Coaches can be strict without being rude, there is always a line that doesnt need to be crossed especially in front of other athletes.
She shouldn't do that

That behavior is not appropriate for a coach. She should be promoting healthy behavior in her athletes, not telling them to lose weight even when they are at a healthy weight. I would advise you to tell her, in private (don't make a scene), that her comments about your weight and size make you uncomfortable. If she continues to make these comments, tell another coach or a parent about the comments.
You certainly don't sound fat to me. Are you naturally flexible? I noticed that super flexible people tend to develop un-twiggy physiques because their super wide range of motion enables them to use muscles that a stiffer person couldn't. And you can never trust that BMI thingie. Not only is it not customized for your body, it's made for AVERAGE people. People who are far less fit, active, and muscular than a gymnast. And we all know muscle weighs more than fat. Also, take your bone frame into account. Your bones take up some of your body mass too. You could be a larger-boned person. For instance, my mom is really fine-boned but considerably overweight. And even with all that fat on her, she doesn't look much bigger than me. Like, I clearly have a much larger body than her.
I know there are a lot of coaches who are strict and talk like your's, but she might be getting out of hand if it ever bothers you or if she means harsh critique on your body type which isn't your fault. But just as long as you're totally comfortable than it's OK. Just know how to work with your body and be strong enough to make it do what you want it to. ;)
I've never believed in the scale. It's BS, imo! It just flashes a bunch of numbers that don't specify whether the person standing on it is out-of-shape, atrophied, or fat-free.

Yeah i'm pretty much naturally flexable the only thing I had to work at was straddle splits getting on the floor was a pain it took like 3 weeks. I have a reaaly vast range of back flexability it kinda cool.
Wow, kendahl! Only 3 weeks to get your straddle splits flat on the floor! Took me like, 3 months. More than that in fact. Even now that I got it on the floor, it'll come back up off the floor on a bad day. And you could do all kinds of cool tricks with such a flexible back.
Your definatley not overweight at all ! average weight for a 15 year old is like..
120-135 lbs. your normal or underweight for your height and age. so dont let a coach come between your weight and you. muscle weighs more than fat. and every gymnast has enough to worry about they shouldnt have to worry about their weight cause of lame comments that their coaches make
Your definately not overweight. try to ignore it or if i gets too much try talking nicely to the coach about it or that plan doesnt work talk to you parents about it. These sorts of comments arent't really acceptable from anyone let alone a coaches who should know better. They should be promoting health, nutrition and exercise, not unnecessary dieting and eating disorders.

it is also doesnt help from the media; extremely thin unnatural looking celebs and their so called "perfect body." Also I've notice with the world champions especially in gymnastics they tend to Petite, prepubescent girls. its not the best message to be sending to future champions that have a lot of potential, its the same with gymnasts who are to tall or those who look like they have a few extra pounds when its all muscle. Eg " even though your average height, and few extra pounds" to the gymnast it would be saying " your too tall why bother even trying"
Your definately not overweight. try to ignore it or if i gets too much try talking nicely to the coach about it or that plan doesnt work talk to you parents about it. These sorts of comments arent't really acceptable from anyone let alone a coaches who should know better. They should be promoting health, nutrition and exercise, not unnecessary dieting and eating disorders.

it is also doesnt help from the media; extremely thin unnatural looking celebs and their so called "perfect body." Also I've notice with the world champions especially in gymnastics they tend to Petite, prepubescent girls. its not the best message to be sending to future champions that have a lot of potential, its the same with gymnasts who are to tall or those who look like they have a few extra pounds when its all muscle. Eg " even though your average height, and few extra pounds" to the gymnast it would be saying " your too tall why bother even trying"

So hurray!! to gymnasts like Shawn Johnson, Oksana Chusovitina, and Sandra Izbasa who are "too muscular", "too old", and "too tall" respectively. They prove that you DON'T have to be a twig-like child of dwarfish height in order to do gymnastics and be good at it. On a sidenote, celebs don't look good to me at all. They're mostly atrophied, unfit, ewie-looking creatures with piss poor posture. :p

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