My weight and my coach.

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Pfft. Don't listen to her. Being muscular is good and you are definitely NOT "a bit much to spot." 105 pounds is a healthy weight for a gymnast.

Yes, a lot of coaches do act like that (although just as many do not). They shouldn't, though. Just because some elite little squirt weighs 50 pounds or something does not mean all gymnasts will.

I'm 5"6, and for some odd reason I only weigh 99 pounds (probably lack of muscle, lol!). But I have friends who are shorter then me and weigh more. Everyone is different!
Just ignore it!! I am like 5'1" and 110 and one of the biggest girls on team. Some coaches care and some do not but don't let it bug you- We really don't want gymnastics to become a thing known as where all the girls have to quit because of eating disorders. Also, you are not fat your muscle and muscle is good!!!!!!!
weight doesn't matter

Does weight even matter? Gymnasts come in all sizes. Nastia Luikin and Shawn Johnson for example, are totally different(physically), but are both world champions! Weight and height totally don not matter, I'm 5 feet & 4 and a half inches, tallest person in my gym, and nothing's stopping me! (I hit my feet on the low bar alot!):D:D:D

i can tell you without looking at you that you are NOT overweight. coaches always tell gymnasts that to make them condition harder, if you WERE overweight, your coach would NOT bring it up. also, you are a gymnast, and coming from someone who is 5'1" and 120 lbs, its not about the physical shape, i am one of the (lets say larger) gymnasts on my team and its hard sometimes, but i am in REALLY good cardiovascular shape, every morning we run 3 miles and i am back at the gym, in my leo, on the floor, stretching when half of the girls come back, and, like i said, i am not in the best physical shape, i cant climb the rope without legs, i cant do a press handstand and i cant do a pull up without swinging, however, i just try to get better at what i do, i dont even think about it anymore,

p.s. if that made no sense at all, please just disreguard it because it is REALLY late.
So hurray!! to gymnasts like Shawn Johnson, Oksana Chusovitina, and Sandra Izbasa who are "too muscular", "too old", and "too tall" respectively. They prove that you DON'T have to be a twig-like child of dwarfish height in order to do gymnastics and be good at it. On a sidenote, celebs don't look good to me at all. They're mostly atrophied, unfit, ewie-looking creatures with piss poor posture. :p

HAHA! i quite frequently get "to tall" im 5'9 and will be a level ten gymnast... :)
weight issues

weight is such a personal thing that can be taken the wrong way. you just need to accept your body and love it. i am 5' 3" and weigh about 125 lbs. i love my body. gymnasts are supposed to weigh more cause we have muscle. muscle weighs more than fat. just make the best of it and just make sure you are eating healthy and working out! your weight is perfect. don't compare yourself to other people or you will get yourself in a lot of trouble.
you are definately not overweight. I'm 5'0 and weigh like 120. I have very muscular legs, butt, arms, and shoulders. My old coach (the one that got fired) would always tell everyone that they were fat, but she was super mean about it, and stuff, and like i mentioned, she was fired.

yea thats how im built too...5'2 125lbs. second tallest on my team. my coaches theroy is if you can see your toes your fine.
I am five one and 101lbs so i don't think you're over weight or anything. Muscle ways a ton more than fat so don't EVER let ANYONE tell you you are fat, because you are not. I think your coach is just trying to motivate you. This may not be the best way for some people, and If it is hurting your feelings I would just ask you coach not to make comments like that any more. Ask them to find a differant way to help you get focused and motivated. If it is not bothering you, than fine! Use your coaches comments to help you punch the spring board harder, or keep your legs straighter. Good luck!

I'm 5'6 and weigh 115 pounds! I'm the tallest on my team and my coach can still spot me and shes a lot shorter than me. Don't worry about what your coach says about being smaller or skinnier. Being muscular is a good thing for gymnastics and muscle weighs more than fat, besides 105 pounds is nothing!
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Muscle is 3x as dense as fat.

Being strong is good, having too muscle is a sign of poor strength programming focusing too much on building muscle big versus powerful and efficient.
Like everyone else has said, you are definately not overweight. I don't remember how it came up, but one time, our coach told us that muscle weighs three times as much as fat does. Just a random fact :p.

That's awesome! My old coach (he was very mean and I left him for a new gym) would tell me every day that I'm fat and that if I was smaller I could do a press handstand and stuff like that. I'm 4'9" and I weigh 85-90 lbs :ashamed:. I am completely flat and I have a lot of muscle. (I weighed my legs, they each weighed 10 lbs, it was weird...)

Gymnastics is a terrible sport when it comes to body image. We look up to girls who are tiny so some girls think that if they aren't like that they are fat, which can lead to eating disorders. Its so much easier to do things when you are smaller but that doesn't mean that coaches should tell girls they are fat and need to lose weight. We are all built differently, and because we are we have such a wide variety of skills that we can do, some easier and some harder depending on your body type. Don't focus on the scale, but rather your abilities you have.

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