WAG Nastia Cup Live

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NBC live won't play...says its upcoming. How irritating
Did you try the link above? NBC will not work for me as I am non US.
Yes the link above says it's not available in US. I did get it to play on my computer so it's all good :)
It is blocked for US. :( Anyone in US have a link??
But for that you need a US cable subscription.
Does anyone know if Makarri Doggette is injured? Seems like she is scratching and I saw Kittia in the audience.
So when they air it on NBC on Sunday will it be all cut up, you think?
I would guess it will be the same broadcast I am watching? Tim, Nastia, and John R are commentating so I imagine that's what they will show. So, yes, it's all cut up. So far, I have seen 3 juniors and the rest have been seniors.

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