I think Aussie is probably saying that since they're talking about options for summer training, she won't be in school.
I think people are correct to point out reasons to be cautious about the elite track. At the same time though, I don't think 12 hours is too much for summer training. The thing I would be cautious about is putting expectations or pressure on her at this age. I would be careful not to tell people, "She's on the elite track so she can be on the National Team," or tell her "If you work hard, you can go to the Olympics." If you choose this option, it should be because it presents an appropriate level of challenge to her and she's enjoying the process. Leave open the option of slowing things down in the future without her feeling like that means failure or that she's disappointing you.
I just erased a long post that you summed up with a much better voice. I erased mine because it started to sound mean

Not that you are doing that Teamgirl. Just asking for real opinions means that you are weighing the options and trying to make an educated, realistic decision. Gymnastics is a long, long road with many ups and downs. Just peruse some old threads here and you'll see joys, and tears, and fears, and failures, and triumphs, and heartbreaks.
Remember that gymnastics is not a race. It is not the girl who gets to elite the fastest that wins, it is the the one who last through it and stills possesses the joy and passion she began with that really wins.
There is no hurry - enjoy the journey.
Best of luck to you and your dd.