How big of a high school will your daughter be attending? When DD trys out on Thursday they only have 20 spots on JV and 20 on varsity. Our high school has about 375 students and only 4 seniors will be leaving the squad. They have a 3 hour practice tonight to learn the dance. I think I'm more nervous than DD is.
Good luck to your dd, Jamarie! Sounds pretty competitive at her school.
My dd's High School has about 500-ish students per grade. BUT, they divide grades 9-12 into two schools: 9th & 10th grade at the 'High School', and 11th & 12th grades at the 'Senior High School'. Sounds wierd, but my older dd, who is in 11th grade, has gone from 10th at one school to 11th at the other, and it actually works out great. Smaller student population=more individual attention from staff/teachers. Plus the age groups separate out nicely too.
The new Varsity Drill Team roster for next year has 88 members on it. They set no limit as to how many girls can make it. As long as they achieve the minimum score, they are in. Likewise, there was a minimum score to make JV also, but I heard they did cut it off at a certain number of girls. Not sure wether that is true or not. There are 40 girls on next year's JV team.
Good luck to your dd! Mine was definitley behind in learning the routine last week, it was hard, and they went FAST. Luckily, a few dance studios in town offered extra help, so she went to those classes, and I think that is what helped her make it.
I feel for you. Last week was a really hard week for dd, and even harder for her nervous mom! I am so glad it's over and am already dreading next March, when we go thru this drama all over again. Yikes!
Keep us posted on how she does! Tell her to SMILE & sell it, I think they like to see that.