Parents New Coach---What a Workout!!!

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Jan 21, 2008
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Today was my dd's first day at practice with her new coach. We're still in the same gym, but the coach we had retired (I was told it was due to a bad back--she never said anything to us:(, which I didn't understand because my daughter adores her). Anyway, the new coach is young, energetic and very enthusiastic :D. She told the girls it would be a light workout today, but it was anything but light! I was very impressed with the way she handled herself, and I think my dd is going to benefit from this new coach. She is now level 3, and is going 2 days a week for 3 hours each day. I didn't know how she would do because we had to be there at 8 this morning, which meant we were up at 6:30 (we live an hour from the gym). She was in bed early last night, but she still complained about getting up early. She fell asleep on the way home from practice---she was completely exhausted! Thank goodness it is only 2 days a week because I don't know if she could handle anymore.

Just wanted to share! My non-gym friends don't seem to understand!
I totally understand. my dd will be 5 this month and is the youngest on L3 at gym plus she is on the Tiny TOPs team. We also do 2 days a week. 5 hours for L3 and 1 hour for TOPS. We drive 45 minutes so I have found that once Abby cools down in the car she will eat a PB & J sandwich and eat some grapes. the snack really helps her get her enery back b/c we miss dinner those 2 nights. Classes start at 4:30 pm at our gym. I would not like to have 8 am classes like you, that would be even harder!:(

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