New or old competition leos for this coming season?

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We are keeping our old leos, which I absolutely love and still fits fine. But we are getting new warm-ups this year. We got a new gym owner 2 years ago, so we had to get new ones, then that brand stopped making them, so half the team got new ones, the other half kept their old ones....This year we're all getting new ones. Our coach hasn't decided if we're going to get simpler ones ($80) or blinged out like the cheerleaders ($140).
We are getting new leos, which I'm really happy about. Our team colors are black, red, and white, and 2 years ago when we got new leos we got a single color leo with sparkles all over it. levels 4 and 5 got red, 6-8 got white, and 9-10 black. The older 7s and 8s who got white were NOT happy - there was so much that could go wrong :p. We're not sure yet which leo we're getting this year, but all of the options have all 3 colors in them, which is exciting. :) We got new warmups last year and we'll keep them for at least another year.
New leos and warm ups for entire team.....which works out fine since this is our first year on team.
New everything for team this year which is good as hopefully it will last us next year too.
We get new leos every year, but this is the second of two years on the warm-ups. We had really nice leos last year, so I have big expectations! Can't wait until they unveil it.
New comp leotard, showcase leotard, and new warm up...... oh and i have to get the workout leotards for everyday of the week...

Okay I dont want to sound too out of the loop. But what is the difference between a comp leo and a showcase leo? I noticed a couple people mentioning both. At first I thought maybe the showcase was like a practice leo..but here gymnast4life94 mentions a seperate practice leo (she calls them workout).
What is the difference. I did notice someone else said the showcase one was short sleeve in their post. (which is why i thought practice leo until i saw this post)
A showcase leo is just a tank style leo. At our gym it is identical to the girls' comp leos just minus the sleeves. They will use it for any practice meets while the weather is still hot (a real blessing since the first one is in 2 weeks and their is no AC at the gym), any showcases the gym might send the girls to, and for the spring comp season.
No new leo or warm up, but dd's warm up pants may be getting too short, so I will likely be replacing those anyway.
New leos and warm-ups this year. Glad about both (though could do without the cost!). Beth's outgrown both!
Well, just ended up sinking a $388 check in the gym for things for competition. Was actually able to get her a used leo for one was 225. (so thats a plus). They are all getting new warm ups. Which are 148. Havent seen a picture of them, but they are supposidly of a different material than their old ones and look nothing like them. I dunno. They old ones were, like the old time track suits..the swishy kind. And they were only 75-80 brand new. So not sure what these are made of to cost double. I did notice alot of girls (from other teams) wore warm ups made of valour or a tight nit (both very form fitting). So maybe they are going with something like that. Then I had to go and open my big trap on here and ask what a showcase leo is. Well this year they are wearing showcase leos (50) to exhibitions and performances around town..things like that. Then, we all need a "team" shirt. (we dont all need one..just her..but the whole fam wears one to the comps. So thats another 50.
This kids lucky I love her..bahahahaha
I custom make the comp leos for our gym. It's a lot of work, especially setting all the stones, but the girls love that no other team will have the same Leo at meets.
I custom make the comp leos for our gym. It's a lot of work, especially setting all the stones, but the girls love that no other team will have the same Leo at meets.

Wow, I would love to see a picture of the leos!!
New everything for us. They usually alternate so that it's a new leo every other year and a new warm-up on the alternating years, but last year was so hard economically for so many families and there weren't that many new L4s so they decided to just keep everything last year and update it all this year.

Pickle was fitted, but I haven't actually seen the new design. We'll probably get it in mid-Sept.

Her team colors are red, white/silver and blue and the HC doesn't like stones and sparkle, so they are typically pretty basic. But the girls always look very cute, clean-cut, and sporty.

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