Ok... so here goes. I have built 3 floors from scratch... fixed many floors... and assembled floors at meets hundreds of times.
Unless you have a reason to build the floor yourself... don't. First watch this...
Read this page...
We ordered 7 palettes of baltic birch from Russia and built our own. I was looking for a very custom floor. We have around 3,000 sq. ft. of continuous birch velcro deck. This deck is covered with 2" foam (not carpet bonded... too hard) and 20 ounce level loop carpet. The floor was built with all used Palmer springs. I did not order new springs as I did not want them be so hard.
This floor right here is awesome...
Foam... I order all of my foam direct from this company...
Envirolite, LLC is a global supplier of specialty foam products for a variety of industries including athletic, energy, flooring, industrial, marine, and medical.
Reasons to build your own floor...
- You have some employees that need extra hours and you want to spend all the money that you save towards labor on their paychecks.
- You want to learn how.
- You want to rent a forklift to take the 7 palettes of birch off the truck when it arrives (fun to drive).
- You take pride in building everything in the gym.
- You like to buy tools and you want to purchase an air compressor and staplers for the gym.
- You're crazy.
Let me know what questions you have. If you want to build it... let me know... I can guide you. We have tons of parkour/freerunners stomping on ours and it is holding up great.