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WOW! Your post combined with the photo is SHOCKING!! I'm agreeing with everyone else who says RUN to another gym! Young children just starting out need a environment that allows them to succeed, which means correct equipment and compassionate, enthusiastic coaching. That beam is way too high for a young beginner, I don't blame your daughter for her fear! I can't believe how callous the staff was about how the class went. Have you found a different gym yet?
dont get discouraged

A agree that getting an answering machine isnt necessarily a bad thing. Gyms are notorious for being very hectic places. The front desk people are responsible for making sure that the kids get to the right classes, answering questions from people that are right there and scheduling classes and make ups. They are often just really busy and may miss a call or two. This is especially true at the beginning and endings of classes.
In terms of getting a machine- I run a small program at a local YMCA where I only have class on Wed morning and Thurs. evening. There are times someone will call asking questions on a Friday and I won't recieve the message until the next Wed. Many gyms do not have a "secretary" that can answer phones- they coaches are responsible when they're not in classes. Keep trying.
My other advice- don't settle for a gym because it's close. In preschool classes, coaches should be TOTALLY hands on because many children need many physical corrections and they are too young to understand verbal corrections.
In terms of "one on one attention" all children learn at different levels. A preschool teacher should be able to teach to all levels in the same class. That means helping one child walk across the beam and challenging another child to hop by herself because she's ready. Keep searching!!!
I think a different facility would be best for you. Coaches should try to work with the children and children learn a lot just from watching other children.... especially in this sport. Maybe after watching her sister on the beam Gabbi would know it was safe enough for her. But if the coaches are going to treat her this way and kick her out of class because she doesn't like it, try another place and see if you can do a trial class there. I've written a book that discusses how to get started in gymnastics and what to look for in facilities. It should be out this spring called Gymnastics in a Nutshell. It's an introductory guide into understanding the entire sport from the beginning years through college.
Wow that post made me mad! I didnt read the other responses but if I were you I would run far away from the gym.

I teach some preschool and rec classes. We have 5 high beams in our gym and 5 low beams, one medium beam that is padded and is over a 16in crash mat, making it about 12 inches off the ground. Our preschool groups only go on the lowest beams and the medium one but that is always with a coach holding their hand.

For a coach to treat your child like that is awful. I would say something to the owners of the gym and then I would look into other gyms.

I would be concerned what happens as the girls move through the levels will they get the proper attention and compassion from their coaches if they dont provide it at this level. Your daughters safety should be the most important thing.

Standard rule in our gym is: For preschool kids they can not be on anything higher than waist height without being closely spotted (which means hands on the child at all times).

On the gyms not answering the phone, I know at my gym we only have people working certain hours. But with most gyms the most popular time for classes is after school till about 7 so if you have the time if might be worth stopping by the gym between 3 and 7 one night and asking your questions then. Then you would not have to wait and you could even peak in on the classes going on and seeing what the coaches are like.
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