Parents No results/scores posted for a compulsory meet... very upset

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Proud Parent
Jul 11, 2016
Reaction score
We recently had a USAG sanctioned, official meet with levels 3/4/5. Our girls did great, including my DD, who scored a 38.8 AA, unexpected and her highest AA ever... While we got the awards ceremony, and I know my DD’s scores, the hosting gym did not post results anywhere. Not on their website (where the info and schedule were posted), not anywhere else where scores are usually uploaded. I’m trying not to be an obsessed parent, and I know I need to let it go. But I’m still very upset. We had several girls who beat their highest scores, and overall we had an amazing meet. We’ve been to close to 20 meets, and I’ve never once saw results not posted at all, anywhere. It’s been over a week now. I don’t want to ask the coaches or the gym, don’t think it’s appropriate. Is there anything that can be done? Sincerely, an overbearing parent :rolleyes:
My daughter’s missing her entire silver season of scores and she was 1stAA in all of them! I was bummed too but nothing you can do since contacting the host gym is a no-no by parents. I suppose you could ask the coach to but doubt they would. Sorry!
Lol, I have our entire team's meet results from every meet since the 2010-11 season (including their placements). So that I don't lose them, they are saved on:
A. My laptop
B. 2 desktop computers
C. 1 flash drive
D. The private team website
Some meets never post scores. It is frustrating- esp. when it was your kid's best meet! I think it's bad form not to post meet scores, but I also don't think there is anything you can do about it.
Yep, some meets don’t post scores- you know she got the 38.8 and she knows...her coaches kiddo got a 9.9 on vault last season and I think it was finally posted to mymeetscores 6 months later. There’s really not much you can do- while I think gyms should post scores, some don’t.
You need to get over it. That’s just how it goes sometimes.

And sometimes they will post incorrect scores. At one of our meets, someone logged a team score in a kids vault, so It looked like the kid scored 125 on vault in meet scores. Last year a kid on our team scored a 6.4 on bars, while at home with an injury. She wasn’t even at the meet. Also posted in meet scores. Neither of these ever fixed.

I record all my kids scores. Since L2. Coaches actually request we do this as they sometimes submit the Gym meet results to the local paper. And they may not get results in time or there may be a typo, like the examples above.

Some folks at our gym record all the whole team scores for their kids level. Me, I’m old. I’m lucky I remember to write hers down.
I totally feel your pain. Last year my DD scored above 38, 1st AA and 1st on a few events AND won the award for highest score at the entire meet, all after coming off fears and mental blocks. I was one proud mama. And....they never posted the scores anywhere. And I was very close to emailing the meet coordinator to ask for scores, but luckily reconsidered. I know it is frustrating, but there is nothing you can do. Not posting the scores doesn't take away from your DD's great meet and success!
For my girls, the only two meets that reported scores their first season were by far their worst meets of the year. Like, one of the meets they both were sick (stomach bug) by the time we got home (a 30 minute drive). It just is what it is. My ODD's all time best two meets also didn't report scores. Which was weird because they were big meets. And for one meet a 0 is down for her beam (she scored a 9 something in reality), but the AA is still correct. Go figure.
For my girls, the only two meets that reported scores their first season were by far their worst meets of the year. Like, one of the meets they both were sick (stomach bug) by the time we got home (a 30 minute drive). It just is what it is. My ODD's all time best two meets also didn't report scores. Which was weird because they were big meets.

I feel like that is always the case! If it's a great meet the scores never appear anywhere, if it's a really off meet they are live streaming the scores!
Not all meets post scores. I thought they all gave the scores to the coaches though? If that was the case, maybe the coach will give you a copy?
Thank you so much for your replies! And yes, I believe that the coaches did have a printout is the scores, but I wouldn’t bother them.

As an update, they did just post the scores on the meet’s website! Woohoo! Even if they don’t get upload to mymeetscores, I’m still happy.

There were a lot of upset parents who talked to our gym manager, and I believe they emailed the meet coordinator, who quickly got the scores uploaded.
Thank you so much for your replies! And yes, I believe that the coaches did have a printout is the scores, but I wouldn’t bother them.

As an update, they did just post the scores on the meet’s website! Woohoo! Even if they don’t get upload to mymeetscores, I’m still happy.

There were a lot of upset parents who talked to our gym manager, and I believe they emailed the meet coordinator, who quickly got the scores uploaded.
Actually, there is a spot on MMS where you can attach the link to the results and eventually, they will add them.
Actually, there is a spot on MMS where you can attach the link to the results and eventually, they will add them.
We hosted 2 meets last year, both using online scoring (the same system). One was loaded super fast without us submitting anything. The other one, never showed so we submitted it twice. 8 months later and it’s not posted.
Actually, there is a spot on MMS where you can attach the link to the results and eventually, they will add them.
Yep! That’s what I did immediately after they posted scores. But should I attach the pdf file itself, or a link to all of the scores? They are divided into levels and groups, I mean should I attach each pdf separately, or just send a link to all? Oh well, I’m just doing both :)
We hosted 2 meets last year, both using online scoring (the same system). One was loaded super fast without us submitting anything. The other one, never showed so we submitted it twice. 8 months later and it’s not posted.
Yep, I heard of a parent who submitted daily and the scores never showed up. Unfortunately, mms is flawed and is not considered an official score tracking system. I wish there was something better and centralized and official! :)
Just wanted to say that scores that aren't posted are still official scores. It is frustrating, but its really not a big deal. And you did the right thing not emailing yourself and letting the coach handle it.

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