Parents Non Natural Hair Color at Competitions

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Proud Parent
Jan 3, 2016
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DD has been asking to get the ends of her hair colored blue for a long time. The new gym has no rules against it so I'm wondering if judges will deduct for this at competitions. We might be able to hide most of it in her bun. I read the rules for attire in the program rules and policies for 2018-19 but nothing was said about it. Thanks!
Thanks! She’ll be happy to hear that.
DD has been asking to get the ends of her hair colored blue for a long time. The new gym has no rules against it so I'm wondering if judges will deduct for this at competitions. We might be able to hide most of it in her bun. I read the rules for attire in the program rules and policies for 2018-19 but nothing was said about it. Thanks!
Our 12 year old is asking the same thing. We told her she had to ask her coaches if it was allowed. We, too, think we can hide most of the colored portions inside her bun.
We’ve had several girls on our team with unusual colors in their hair and it’s been no problem. Our head coach who is also a judge has unusual colored hair herself!
We’ve had several girls on our team with unusual colors in their hair and it’s been no problem. Our head coach who is also a judge has unusual colored hair herself!
Thanks, we’ve never seen anyone at a meet with colored hair. Good to hear from multiple people that it should be fine.
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Do your kids schools allow that? I can’t see any of our schools ever allowing it.
Our public school doesn’t care about it. Dd has a friend that dyed her entire head pink. Nothing was said at school.
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Wow, very different to Australian public schools. Strict uniforms, natural hair, no make up, no jewellery (except a watch and 1 pair of small earrings), school shoes, school socks etc.
Wow, very different to Australian public schools. Strict uniforms, natural hair, no make up, no jewellery (except a watch and 1 pair of small earrings), school shoes, school socks etc.
Yup, very different! In fact, my YDD’s fifth grade teacher had bright pink hair. My DD loved it!
Wow, very different to Australian public schools. Strict uniforms, natural hair, no make up, no jewellery (except a watch and 1 pair of small earrings), school shoes, school socks etc.
I've had kids in Australian public schools with dyed hair. And this is not in a lax area. (agree on the uniforms and shoes though)
Never seen any problems at competitions and one of Australia's top international rhythmic gymnasts who retired this year had dyed hair.

And will admit that I did a couple of years of senior high school in Australia, and with very dyed hair, back in the day.
I've had kids in Australian public schools with dyed hair. And this is not in a lax area. (agree on the uniforms and shoes though)
Never seen any problems at competitions and one of Australia's top international rhythmic gymnasts who retired this year had dyed hair.

And will admit that I did a couple of years of senior high school in Australia, and with very dyed hair, back in the day.

Schools around here, kids would not be allowed to attend classes until the hair was fixed.
Do your kids schools allow that? I can’t see any of our schools ever allowing it.

My son's hair is blue. Same work ethic, grades, and behavior as when it was blond. :) I think it's kind of a bummer your schools wouldn't permit it. If that's the biggest "rebel" move my kid makes then I think I am winning as a parent!

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