WAG Number of hours for level 1?

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DD's first meet was when she was 7. She competed L5. So yes, she went several years at gym without competing the skills she'd learned, and they placed her in competitions based on her level at that time. At our gym, they don't compete until they are 7, regardless of what level they are at. They focus on learning as much as possible.

I think this would be a better use of our time and money. This is more along the lines of what I feel like we should be looking for at this age. Yes, iwannacoach!! It does imply "long term gymnast." DD isn't able to do any other extracurricular activities as a first grader. Some of the level 1 girls on the team are 8--I'd say half 6 year olds and half 8 year olds. Silly question, but is there a regional forum on the boards where I could PM someone to get pros/cons on our gym options in this area?
Ours go 3 hours a week. That's it and they seem to be doing just fine. Granted we have a level 1 pre team so kids on the level 1 team tend to already have the "big" skills.
No, but I have noticed that dunno seems to know everyone. Try pm-ing him.
8 hours for level 1 sounds wayyyyyy too much in my opinion......when I was on prep optional we didn't even practice that much, only 5 hours a week and I think now even the most advanced group only practices 6.
yeah, that's a bit much... I'm a level 2, and i only get to practice one hour 15 minutes twice per week, plus another 2 hours of open gym. Level (rec team) 3's get an hour and 45 minutes and Level (equivalent to old 4) 3 get 2 hours and 15 minutes, and so on. And yes definitely, at those hour you should be prepared for the next level up. Even at our hours, we're working on RO BHS, handstand on beam, etc. for Level 3 (not new level 3 because the rec team program at my gym doesn't change at my gym.)
We do not have L1. Our L2 go 6 hours a week. 4 hours are with the Jr Elite, 2 just L2 team. Our L3 go 10 hours.
We have L1: if you are young (4-6) You start out in developmental, then go to Pre 1 in grade 1 (so 6). At those ages you are doing 5 or 6 hours respectively. But they don't compete so levels aren't discussed.

Anyone in L1-4 over the age of 7 is in a different group (kids from 7-16 or so), and they would go either 6 or 9 hours - at their request. Not many of the lower level girls would do 9 unless they are a bit older and trying to "catch up"
My dd is 5 and is on the level 1 team. She practices 3 hrs/wk.
Our gym has the L1 (preteam) girls coming twice a week for 2 hours at a time, so a total of 4 hours/week. My DD just turned 7 last month and is a L2, which is "real team" at our gym. She is practicing 7 hours/week. We will also have about 5 meets this year.

You are right, it is getting expensive! And will only get more so, from what I hear ;)
My daughter is 7 and doing level 1, and I think this is the first year our gym will compete at this level. They have a policy that you have to have every single skill down to move up - apparently the mill circle holding my kid back - but our level 1, 2, and 3 practice together. They are ages 6 to 10, and they all go two nights a week, four hours each time so 8 hours a week.

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