I am personally familiar with all the people mentioned in these comments. Did I ever see Han physically abuse girls no, but he definitely did lots of the mental games. Don’t know if there was a fat group,but on many occasions my daughter was almost sick because they had to work out for more than five hours in summer months without the air conditioning on because he said they were fat and needed to sweat some weight off. If he didn’t like what they were doing or weren’t doing he would ignore them or kick them out of practice. These actions were common for several of the coaches. Ashton did get into some trouble about drinking which involved many of the Everest gymnasts. Bullying was involved but, Ashton and another gymnast were not suspended from the gym until the parents of the victims and several other parenents insisted and contacted Safe Sport. The other gymnast, that remains at Everest, was the main bully. This gymnast was guilty of bullying on social media and there are lots of parents from Everest that saw this and discussed this amoung themselves. Some parents screen shot the bullying and presented it to Safe Sport. This was also reported to Safe Sport and nothing was done. Again, this wasn’t discussed with Han for the fear of what would be done to the kids of the parents who mentioned it. This caused a split in the Everest Team and some gymnasts left. So as you can see bullying is not only by coaches but also not frowned upon by the coaches when they see it happening by their gymnasts. Is Safe Sport really here for the gymnasts or just a way to deflect all the bad press gymnastics has received. We need to protect our children.