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I love doing digital artwork. This year I've offered private photo shoots, for a fee of course, to my team girls. My team parents also take shifts at home meets using my camera, since I never have any time. So most of the meet shots I post aren't usually my work, matter of fact I'm usually in the shots, especially on bars.

Anyhow, I also offer custom digital artwork. Check out my samples in my gallery... Link Removed . I would love some feed back between the three montages for this year, Haley has two and Kiler one. Take a look at the difference between the two Haley Montages and let me know which border you like better.

The more feedback the better!
First of all. Nice work. :) Second of all, the choice between the borders is an interesting one. Personally, the second one, (without the circles) looks cooler, but I can see people liking the circles. I'm not sure if my reasoning goes far beyond that but just from a first look perspective that's the case. Both borders do the job well. :)
I like the montage w/ the flags the best. I found the circles and the other one a little distracting. It's not that I didn't like the montages, I just found my eye wandering to the circles instead of the pictures.
Good point, gymmomntc2e6. Thank you for the input. It's not supposed to look like a scrapbook page, and sometimes I can't separate one from the other. I enjoy doing both. I like the montages to look more like works of art, than a scrapbook page with elements and trinkets.

Keep the comments rolling! Thank you.

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