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I'll bump up the post with a parent brag :-). My kid took last week off to rest her body and heal from half a dozen major and minor aches and pains. She started back level 6/7 practice again today, putting in 3.5 hours of heavy duty practice, then 3 hours of gymnastics camp. Then another hour of vaulting practice. I picked her up and fed her before the vault clinic and the kid was so tired she could barely walk. She ate, rested, and hobbled back into the gym for her last hour of practice, which I stayed to watch.

I was so incredibly, indescribably proud of how hard she worked while I watched. She was obviously tired but she never sat down, never complained, never did a single skill half heartedly. No matter where this sport takes her I hope she can always carry with her the work ethic and perseverance that she's learned in gymnastics.
Alex loves her bars... today she managed to do her maloney half. Not looking too bad.
I wish her floor and vault could progress like bars do .
Gotta love her team mate in the right hand corner who is so happy for her...

When does she go to college? Is she looking to continue after high school? She is really talented!
Ds at the international Dutch Trampoline Open at our own club in march. He hardly was able to train for this competition since he struggles with an ankle injury for several months now. Then he managed to get third place and was so happy with that. Unfortunately things got worse since then and now he is not able to jump at all. Xray on wednesday. Fingers crossed...

He is so good!
Here are some summer skills....I don't get to see him do a lot because I don't watch practices so I stayed during his private and got to see him working some skills. Hopefully he'll incorporate these skills into routines in the next two years....His coach calls him the "crock pot" of gymnastics because skills have to simmer and cook i practice before he feels ready to add them to routines in competition. :)
@kitkat I attended Towson back in the date when it was still Towson state. My daughter likes to watch the Towson meets. The school has grown up so much. Congratulations to her, she will enjoy herself at Towson.
We aren't allowed to take videos, but after a tricky couple of sessions with trouble on beam, dd was very excited to get her ro bhs straight back (layout?), and her handspring front tuck on floor. Doesn't help the beam trouble exactly, but did make her happy!
No videos to share, but we've just found out dd's skills for her autumn competition and I'm excited to see it (although also nervous at how much could go wrong!) Beam - bwo, full spin, bhs, cw tuck back dismount. Floor - ro bhs bt, handspring front tuck. Bars - kip, bhc, squat on catch, kip, straddle undershoot dismount. Vault - handspring to stacked mats. I know she has been training them, but I can't believe my baby girl is going to compete these 'proper' gymnastics skills when she is only 7! I know others are doing even more, but I still think she's amazing! (And the others in her group too - they're all doing the same things!)
I'd like to do a brag about someone else's child, which I hope is ok. The girl is 14 years old, and the 'top girl' in our gym, and she is such an amazing role model for our younger girls. She is always cheerful, even at (very!) early morning training, always bubbly and full of energy, always polite and respectful to the coaches while gradually moving into a more grown up relationship with them. What I especially noticed this week was that firstly, when a skill went wrong, she just laughed, jumped up and had another go, no dramas or embarrassment about the fall. And secondly, how she was taking the time to encourage the little ones when they joined the older ones to do conditioning together, and making them feel special. My dd spends a lot of time at the gym, and I'm so pleased she has such a positive role model.
Really proud of my dd this last week. We were on holiday abroad, and she had 'homework' (conditioning) to do from her coach while we were away, and firstly she did it with minimal moaning, (even with her big sister watching and making 'helpful' comments!), and secondly she managed to get her straddle lever (press?) to handstand! She was so chuffed!

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