WAG Percentage of team athletes compared to total athletes in gym?

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Sep 3, 2005
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Please do not answer this unless you actually know...don't throw out random guesses.

How many total athletes (rec + preschool + team) are in your gym compared to team athletes? For example...

270 rec and preschool + 30 team = 300 athletes

30 team / 300 total = 10% team

Tell us about your team also...break it down to boys...girls...xcel...jo...etc.
about 800 total at any given time. of those 800:

175 are on women's team/preteam (75 JO/100 Xcel)
20 are boy's team
the other 600 are rec

*source of info= the total enrollment number was told to my daughter by the owner. team count i was able to figure out by looking at schedules. and, finally, rec number was derived from subtracting those team numbers from 800.
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We have about 350 kids in rec/preschool classes.

We have 90 "team" kids. Of those, about 15 are pre-team, and 10 or 11 are Xcel.
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Varies from Fall/Winter/Spring session for the rec, but on average
600 - 700 rec
50 - 55 team - all girls, all JO (including the girls not yet old enough to compete)
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In my old club it was:
100 girls on team
20 girls on pre teams
12 girls on rec team
20 boys on boys' team
25 competitive TeamGym girls
and around 400 boys and girls in rec classes.

SO it's about 13% of all the kids are on some kind of team

In my new club the numbers are much lower:
30 girls on team
10 girls on pre team
10 girls on rec team
no boys
20 comp. TeamGym girls
around 250 boys and girls in rec classes

SO 20 % on team
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I don't feel comfortable giving actual numbers, but our team is about 25% of our total enrollment, including pre teams and developmental groups as "team".

Within our team, about 25% is optionals, 20% is compulsory, 30% xcel, 10% tumble & tramp, and 15% developmental and pre team groups.
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Of course its hard to be exact, as I am not the owner, so I don't attend every class/practice.

About 25-50% about 40 team, 40-80 other.
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My YDDs team is 28 kids (T&T), so that's boys and girls mixed, and there are roughly 300 rec gymnasts. That's almost 10%. Wouldn't want to guess about ODDs rec program, as I rarely see rec classes going, but there are two xcel girls, no preteam, and about 35 team gymnasts.
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I would never give exact numbers, but the team is a mere 5 percent of the place. At best. I hope this is helpful?
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Baby classes have 3-8 in each class x 3 classes. Approx 15.
Preschool classes have 4-8 in each class x 5 classes. Approx 30.
Rec 1 classes have 6-10 in each class x 4 classes. Approx 30.
Rec 2 classes have 6-12 in each class x 4 classes. Approx 35.
Rec 3 classes have 3-5 currently (the rest moved to team).
Tumbling class has 6 girls.
Boys gym has 2-4 boys, depending on the week.
Total approx rec = 120

L3 team - 20 (may not all choose to compete)
L4 team - 12-14 (depends on if two choose to compete after middle school gymnastics team is over)
L5 team - 6
L6 team - 8
L7 team - 2
L8 team - 1
Xcel - 15 or 16
Total team - 67... or roughly 36%.
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Approximately 20% of the gym members are competing team kids.

Of that 20%....
10% are Competing boys
36% are Competing Xcel
54% are Competing JO
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About 45 team (comp and pre comp) kids and 950 rec kids. So around 5%.
100 team girls (25 optional, 75 compulsory/xcel). Not sure of total enrollment of the non-team kids, but it seems like a ton!

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