Piercings ; Any deductions?

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. Since if i were to take it out it seems chances are it will close up
I've had my nose peirced for about a year now, I don't compete but I take mine out frequently( visiting snooty family, ect.) My nose has not closed up, the closest it came was after it fell out during my 10 hour sleep( I was sick) it started to close, but I was able to stick an earing through and then put in a stud.
Could someone reference the page number that this deduction can be found on for USAG? Like the nail polish "deduction" I was under the impression that the extra piercing deduction was also a myth.
The nail polish deduction is a myth? Really?
I don't know about in USAG, but in highschool gymnastics in my area nail polish is allowed. However, NO earrings are allowed, not even small studs. Most judges around here won't deduct for it, but the picky ones do. (Although most gymnasts are under the impression that nail polish isn't permitted)
I have no idea on the actual deductions that are taken, but our HC says absolutely NO polish and absolutely NO jewelry (including small posts in ears) during competition...so that's it for my dd. She IS allowed to have post earrings and polish during practice (gotta let 'em be girly SOMEtime!!) but never during a comp...better safe than sorry, I guess!!!

BTW...the first thing I do when I see someone with a nose piercing is look at it(whether its cute or not-I've seen some cute and some UGH!!...)so If you can't handle being looked at, don't do it, because people WILL look!!!
hopefully, no one at the school decides to start a trend and do back flips off the science building on to the football field...:)

Dunno, you went to my highschool!?!!
Oh wait nevermind....they were doing wall flips in the breezeway

onto concrete.

.... God thought my prayer was stupid so she was my server again....

I found that entertaining :P

I have no idea on the actual deductions that are taken...
Just to confirm what a very early poster said, the only jewelry allows is a pair of earrings, one in each ear

yes. the rules book only states what is allowed. not an endless list of all the things that are not.:)
I was told anything that could be a distraction for the judges is not allowed. I know for my DD the last thing I want is a judge taking deductions because of being distracted from a routine. There are some deductions too that judges can take up to a certain amount and if you turn off the judge with distractor factors there is no reason they can't take the max. The judges are only human and as much as we hope they are 100% unbiased personal feelings to seep in to their judging it can't be helped. Also if Im not mistaken I was told that presentation is part of the score and these items could cause a deduction as they could distract from presentation.

I f you want to do gymnastics then go with what has been accepted as the norm.
Part One, Section IV, Paragraph II, Bullet point J of the 2010-2011 Rules and Policy manual states:

J. Be well groomed in her appearance:
1. Clean attire.
2. Hair secured away from the face.
3. No jewelry, with the exception of one pair of stud earrings (one in each ear). All other piercing should be
REMOVED, not just covered with tape or Band-aids.

Then - there is a deduction of Incorrect attire/jewelry of a flat .2 in the Code of Points after one warning.

Attire is referring to the rule of:

I. Present herself in the proper attire (No bare midriffs, backless leotards, leotards with “spaghetti” straps, T-shirts
or Boxer shorts). NO underwear (including sport bras) should be exposed. The leg opening on competitive
leotards must NOT be cut or rolled above the gymnast's hipbone. A deduction for inappropriate attire will be
applied for any infraction. Sleeveless leotards and unitards, as well as gymnastics footwear, are permitted for
competition. Leotard and/or warm-up uniform should be worn for opening, award, and closing ceremonies.
• Gymnasts must change clothes in the designated changing area or restroom. They may not appear
in underwear on the competition floor or warm-up area before, during or after the competition.

All of this can be found on page 13 of the 2010-2011 R&P. The 2011-2012 version isn't out yet.

Interestingly enough, I was just at YMCA Nationals in Toledo and they threatened to eject any gymnast from the meet who changed out of their leo on the competition floor.

I will continue to search for the infamous nail polish rule...but I've been doing this for 15 years and have yet to see it in writing. I'm not saying it doesn't exist...but I've never seen it and I don't require my girls to remove their polish as long as it is tasteful. bright orange = remove, light pink = I don't care. I have never, ever, ever taken a deduction for nail polish, nor had it taken on my girls.
For nail polilsh USAG has an answer in their Q and A for judges it states

Q: Is nail polish allowed?

A: There is nothing in our code of points that states nail polish is not allowed. However depending on the color it could create a distraction for judges.​
here is the link Link Removed
I got my nose pierced (nostril) less than a month ago, and I do not think it presents any danger while doing gymnastics. I did some construction work a while back, and got hit in the face several times with boards (I know, I really need to pay better attention). At first I was concerned that the piercing (which is a stud) might stab me but it never did. I've come to accept that my nose will probably be broken before the stud stabs or damages it in any way. For the first few weeks it will be sore, particularly if you bump it, but no damage will occur. To who ever said earlier about getting it stuck on a trampoline, you would have to be genius. Even laying down on a trampoline, my nose has never gotten that close to it, and the studs are so small my hair doesn't even get stuck in it.

There is no real safety hazard in having your nose pierced and doing gymnastics. What your coaches are willing to tolerate is a different matter. Also, don't just get it done because your friends have it; while that can be good inspiration think about why you want it. I wanted my nose pierced for eight years, and only last month got it done; if you are unsure in anyway, I would say you should wait anyways because you can always do it later...that's what college is for (if you aren't on gymnastics scholarship)!
it does present a danger...and in ways that i can't discuss on this site with children. there is no debate on this. that's all.:)
I got my nose pierced (nostril) less than a month ago, and I do not think it presents any danger while doing gymnastics. I did some construction work a while back, and got hit in the face several times with boards (I know, I really need to pay better attention). At first I was concerned that the piercing (which is a stud) might stab me but it never did. I've come to accept that my nose will probably be broken before the stud stabs or damages it in any way. For the first few weeks it will be sore, particularly if you bump it, but no damage will occur. To who ever said earlier about getting it stuck on a trampoline, you would have to be genius. Even laying down on a trampoline, my nose has never gotten that close to it, and the studs are so small my hair doesn't even get stuck in it.

There is no real safety hazard in having your nose pierced and doing gymnastics. What your coaches are willing to tolerate is a different matter. Also, don't just get it done because your friends have it; while that can be good inspiration think about why you want it. I wanted my nose pierced for eight years, and only last month got it done; if you are unsure in anyway, I would say you should wait anyways because you can always do it later...that's what college is for (if you aren't on gymnastics scholarship)!

I see you are new here, so welcome to the board. Just to let you know that we do not liked old threads dragged up for no good reason. To search our whole site solely for piercing threads is odd. Please refrain in future. You could start a new thread and refer to the old one, but please leave the old threads alone.

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