I would like to hear everyone's gym switch stories. Particularly these issues:
1. Were you/your gymmie happy at your original gym? If so, what factors led to you deciding to change?
I was not happy nor had I been for years at DD's original gym. The communication was horrible there, they were terribly disorganized and played constant head games with the kids and parents. DD however knew no different (same with me) because it was the only gym she had ever been to since she was three.
She had the same continuing problems with her coach for the two years she was on team. We would sit down and try and work it out with her but in a very short amount of time her coach would start going back to her old ways. Her coach was an older, impatient woman that was completely out if touch with reality when it came to dealing with children. In between turns she would not allow them to even interact with one another. My DD is a talker and very social (was ages 6&7 at the time) so she would get yelled at frequently. Her coach was also not able to demonstrate or even spot the girls so she would verbally give or shout the instructions to them. DD is a great visual learner and verbal instructions are much more difficult for her to follow. I would imagine most kids that young would have a hard time following verbal instructions let alone keep their attention for a 3-4 hour long practice. Because DD was having a difficult time the coach would end up yelling at her and she would get in trouble. DD's coach started coming to me saying that she think my DD has ADD! I was infuriated that she said that to me because first if all, it is not her place and she is no expert anyway. I told her that there is no way my daughter has ADD because she goes to school 6 hrs a day and is a good student and then goes right to the gym for a 3-4 hour practice and had an extremely successful first year competing in level 4. The funny thing is that my daughter was the most successful on her team that season in competition. I told head coach that kids with ADD would not be able to manage so much and be successful at both.
What ultimately happened was that my DD was switched to their big main gym (with mainly older optional girls) in a small accelerated group. Her group consisted of five girls ages 6-9 that they wanted to fast track into optional levels. I was really excited that she was picked to be in this group mostly because she could finally get away from the coach she has had so many problems with.
Well it turned out that they decided to move this coach with them.....ugh!
This was a huge letdown to say the least! The problems continued and the atmosphere at that gym were all around worse. My DD's group was constantly getting pushed around to different areas of the gym because there was no room for them and the optional girls groups took precedence over the group my daughter was in.
I started to notice a difference in my DD after awhile. She was always the kind that loved gymnastics so much that she eat, sleeps breathes it. She was no longer talking about it, doing cartwheels around the house and seemed rather sad. The last week she was at the gym she sat in front of the TV (and she's not a big TV watcher!) and just zoned out. I knew something was really wrong
One night the bar coach at that gym ( he is an older man that had trouble also relating to the young girls) sat her out five times for not understanding his instructions. She was completely mortified!!! She was silently crying with her head down and her regular coach came over to her and asked why she was crying and my daughter had told her what had happened and that she was embarrassed. Her coach's reply was, "well you should be!!!". I'm sorry but that is not the way to treat a 7 year old and just because she didn't understand his instructions? The bar coach at that gym explains things in a very technical way that seems to go over their heads at that age.
When my DH came home that night she was very upset. She broke down and told me how much she hates it at that gym. She said all the coaches there just yell and scream all the time and are really mean to the girls. At that point I told my daughter that it was time to look at another gym and she was ready.
2. How did you decide what gym you would take your gymmie to once you decided to switch?
At that time I was talking with another mom that switched her DD about a year before from that gym to another one nearby and was much happier there.
I called the HC of that gym the following day and brought her in for a tryout. My daughter and I really liked the new gym because it much cleaner, has better equipment and I really agreed with the HC's philosophies much more there.
How did you inform the old gym you were leaving? And how did they take it? Did you burn bridges or would you be welcomed back?
4. How well/long did your gymmie adjust to the new gym? Was there a learning curve with different training styles? Did they regress or blossom?
5. Do you have any regrets about the gym switch? Did the new gym fulfill your expectations?