For what it's worth, I'll give you my own "experience based" opinion about courtesy and communication between club, gymnast, and family. I commend you for feeling an obligation to let the current club know what's "going on" with respect to your search for a gym that better suits your DD's needs. My advice is to feel only an obligation that goes as far as "returning the favor". If you can recall way back when you first looked into the current gym, were you told that the gym would, by definition, defacto or otherwise, limit itself in the way you've described? Did they tell you anything about the competitive gymnastic levels at the time they they asked your daughter to move into the competitive side of gymnastics? Did they ever bother to tell you that their facility was so limited with respect to equipment?
We live in a free market society that relies to a great degree on customer satisfaction. It sounds to me like you're not satisfied with the product, but I suspect the gym is very satisfied with the loyaltie$ you've implied month after month. They weren't required to give you a course in gymnastics "consumerism", and I suspect they'd prefer their customers "figure it out" on their own. It may be that they run a terrific program that's suited to their students and the goals of the parents who bring their dd and ds to gym each week, but that's not for everyone.
You should follow your own ethos, and not let me run your show, but my advice after seeing the concern you expressed about "it" blowing up in your face, is to let them dangle as they have you. I know from my experiences that this sort of thing "gets back" to the child on rare ocassions, and is usually cloaked in subtlety. It is rare, and you say you you like the owner and the coaches, who all seem so friendly.....however.....
There are many fine gym clubs run by very capable and dedicated professionals who do everything they can to provide a safe, challenging, and enriching experience for every child who walks through the door. Gymnmastics clubs come in all varieties, each trying to fill it's own niche, and that's pretty much the way it should be. Let me just say this, if you could forgive me for being cruel and abrupt in my opinion, the current club is trying to fill a niche best occupied by a "full service" club. I'm sorry if my suspicions are right about your current gym, but take heart, they are the exception.
Good luck with your search.
Geez! I shoulda put this one in the rant section.