Parents Practice at another gym on vacation?

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I 've had 2 level 10s and have been taking vacations for the 16 years we've been in this sport and have never set foot in another gym while we were away because as gymmonkeymama says, that's what vacations are for.....

Level 2or 3, not on your life....
Is that three weeks straight without gym?

No, team is off one week early July and one week early August. Our extra week towards the end of July, so it actually works out to be every other week. But there have been other years when our family vacation was directly before or after so that made 2 weeks straight.
I 've had 2 level 10s and have been taking vacations for the 16 years we've been in this sport and have never set foot in another gym while we were away because as gymmonkeymama says, that's what vacations are for.....

Level 2or 3, not on your life....
Just out of curiosity, have the vacations been more than a week? I wouldn't be looking for a gym for just a week away either, but if it were a lengthy vacation (3 weeks or more), would your upper level girls need or want to work out? I'm not talking about level 2's or 3's, but the higher levels where the training hours are much higher.
My DD is 7 and an L3. She also isn't thrilled about the 7 classes she will miss in July. I realize that if she continues w the sport it wi be harder to get away the older she gets so I have no reservations w it. That said I usually do look into open gyms near where we will be and have her go at least 1 x a week. She usually enjoys it because she gets to talking to the coaches who are there and other kids:)
My dd level 3 training level 4, she just turned 8. We went on a family trip in April and she was out of gym for almost 3 weeks. We went to Nigeria so training at another gym wasn't an option. She was nervous to miss that much time but while we were gone she stretched and did conditioning. When she went back to practice she actually improved on a couple of the beam skills that she had some fear issues with, she is much more confident in her cartwheel and her handstand on beam. I asked her what was different and she said "I forgot I was scared of it and just did it" The break seemed to give her a renewed focus and made her appreciate and love this crazy sport even more.
DS was new to team (preteam actually, team was announced while we were gone) and loved the experience of working out with another team while we were on our two and a half week road trip. He was ok for the first few days, but was chomping at the bit to get into a gym. Thanks to chalkbucket we made it happen. :)
We've been gone for 2 weeks , and that has generally been our upper limit when they got to upper level optionals
My dd was training L10 last summer, and she missed quite a bit of time in July. Our gym was closed for a week, then she was back for a week, and then we were gone for almost 3 weeks on vacation. It was the first time that we had been gone for more than a week, and I would not do it again unless she could practice at another gym, because her coach thought it really slowed down her summer progression. Not just figuratively slowed down, but literally - I was told she came back tumbling like a turtle. So, we'll take a few long weekends this summer.

For those that have practiced with other teams, do you contact them directly, or does your coach do it? Do you ask your coach for permission? I just can't see ours being ok with dd going somewhere else and her not knowing about it!
My dd has worked out at a couple different places while on vacation, one place a couple of years in a row. I always told her coach where I was looking at going and they went and checked it out to make sure they knew it was a reputable gym with good coaching.

Her coaches always supported it. My dd loved working out in a different environment with different coaches. These were not gyms anywhere near our area so no threat.

I will say that she was generally grouped very conservatively and it was more of a workout than training. I think this is smart as it is only about keeping their conditioning in place and getting them touches for comfort. It wasn't about them teaching her something new or anything. They were always nice and complimentary toward her but were careful not to speak to me about her gymnastics.

We have always contacted the gym directly. They have always been gracious and welcoming and I was only charged when we were in a vacation destination where the gym caters to vacationing families.
Thanks for the different perspectives. I talked with DD about it to see if she would even be interested, and she got really excited about the idea. I think it appealed just because she loves the gym, and it's novel. This is a very laid back beach trip, and I think I'll just keep it in the back of my mind and see how the week goes. It's so close by that it would be easy to get her there assuming they would let her come in and if she wants to do it.
I wish I had seen this, earlier! We just got back from a week long vacation, and I had considered sending DD to a gym while we were away, but thought I was being over the top ;-)
The gym was closed the week of Memorial Day, then we were gone the second week of June, and the gym is closed again the week of the that is 3 weeks missed in a 5-6 week period. DD has recently been moved from L3 to L6, and really doesn't have any time to lose. Maybe I will consider it the week the gym is closed next (she will be at her grandparents several states away)...
There is a vacationing gymmie in DDs group right now (compulsory level). She will be staying for the week, for practice.
We have 3 visiting gymnasts this week. Range from Level 3-7. Most of the girls are "repeaters", who come visit us every summer while they are here.
We were in Thailand for the summer.
Visited a couple gyms we contacted before our trip. My son even tried Wu Shu classes.
At one school my dd joined a rhythmic gymnastics class. She has great flexability but these girls where incredible. Not speaking the language well she was greatly intimidated when class started and the girls where doing warm up stretches. That is until conditioning.
She was hailed has the strongest girl they ever seen. Invited her to a birthday party that night and still keep in touch today.
My daughter is training 4/5 and is 9 we are going to miss almost 2 weeks of practice, her coaches just told her to stretch everyday work splits EVERY day, and as long as she is active not to worry... But I don't think it will be a problem, she will be one week at horse camp and one week at grandmas...
It's just about keeping them limber...
I don't think practicing at other gyms while on vacation as being a problem at the compulsory level... but I think it's nice to get permission from the HC at the optional level. DD went to another gym while on vacay and HC told her what she should/shouldn't be working on there. A few months later a friend flew in to visit and when friend asked her HC if she can come train while on vacay, that HC flat out said no. So it depends...
Yes. I say you definitely need to ask your HC before practicing at another gym, especially at the optional level.

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