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Well, I watched little DD do four L4 bars routines today. Woo hoo. Mill circle, FHC, shoot through, all of it! :) SO proud of her! So she is coming along and may actually be ready to compete L4 this fall, LOL, last year she was so NOT ready! She does not do too much uptraining, we are happy with a lot of work on L4 right now. Her BHS is looking very nice, I am quite impressed with the progress there. Beam dismount is solid now and straight and pretty. She will for sure compete in January, and I am hoping for a fall meet for her too. We will see.

Older DD will be repeating L5, her first meet will be in October, we hope. She's uptraining just the tiniest bit. Has done BWO on low beam, can do the L6 front tumbling pass, has L6 beam dismount and has been "trying" baby giants on strap bar. Her L5 bars are looking really really good. I am looking forward to seeing how high she can get her bars score, she had a 9.25 last season at one of the last meets. She will need some big bars scores to make up for her BHSform issues which are still around UGH. I have not seen vault lately so I don't know how that is going but that was her other big problem last year. She's happy at gym and has lots of confidence now, I think, which might be better for her than a bunch of upskills. We will see I guess.

Tiny DD needs an update, too. She's started all-star cheer (a tiny team, so cute) and she is really close to her bridge kickover. Her cartwheel is no longer on her head, which is good. She'll have her first competition in October! She is still taking gymnastics too, but has had a lot of coach changes so is working on different things every week. She sure is good on the balance beam. No fear!!!
My dd almost has her twisting double-back flyaway!! Level 10 is in full swing. Also has her 2 1/2 on floor.
Well, I watched little DD do four L4 bars routines today. Woo hoo. Mill circle, FHC, shoot through, all of it! :) SO proud of her! So she is coming along and may actually be ready to compete L4 this fall, LOL, last year she was so NOT ready! She does not do too much uptraining, we are happy with a lot of work on L4 right now. Her BHS is looking very nice, I am quite impressed with the progress there. Beam dismount is solid now and straight and pretty. She will for sure compete in January, and I am hoping for a fall meet for her too. We will see.
Awesome!! Maybe we will see you guys in Huntsville after all. :-)
J. is training level 5 and I won't know until sometime in July if she will compete at all this fall. Even if she does compete, I'm not expecting great scores this year, especially with bars.
On bars she just got her glide kip but it isn't consistent yet. She still doesn't have the long hang kip but it is close. Squat on is still not as good as it could be but her casts are looking nice. What she has going for her is nice pointed toes.
Vault - still has not done it without a spot on the back half. She has a great run - really fast and is really working on popping off of the vault.
Beam - one of her favorite events. She is still working on keeping tight throughout the routine. She is not consistently landing cartwheels but is getting better. She has extremely high releves, nice jumps and a fairly good scale. If she can get her cartwheels consistent and hold her handstand longer - this will eventually be a good event for her.
Floor - Loves the dance moves on the floor. Still working on her RO2BHS for the floor. Her FHS is so much better than it was but could still improve quite a bit. Again, her pointed toes and straight legs help her a lot here - but she still needs work on the tumbling.
The improvement she's made in the last year is amazing. A year ago she was just moving to pre-team (about L3/L4) and to look at her now - she's a whole different person - so much stronger and more graceful. Whatever this season holds - I think it'll be a winner!
DD is training L8 after competing a season of L7 If she get her skills for L8 she will compete them at the start of the season in Dec through April. As far as what skills she has etc - I have no idea. I drop her off and see maybe 10 min of practice which is all warm ups and Hubby usually picks up about 20 min at the end. She has been asked to pick new floor music for her L8 routine so I am taking that as the coaches expect her to be a L8 in Dec. (6 mos from now) I know she tells me she has alot of the skills as she had been uptraining over this past season with L8 skills. I really don't know the names of all the skills but I know she has the 3 vaults the want their L8's to learn but doesn't exactly have the landing for them. So the twisty parts in the air she has. I know they don't seem to be worried about her bars as she has the giants they want and last I heard was adding a piroett (spelling?) along with some type of release move to move from one bar to the other which she is very excited about. Floor she seems to be able to do the tumbling going in to the pit but has yet to do them and land on the floor I think once the summer schedule starts she will move 100% to the floor for that. Beam she is working on alot of L8 stuff there and seems to be ok with it considering they just started 3 weeks ago I think she has the backhandspring back walkover combination, some sort of strange cartwheel and roundoff where she pops up as she does them. some sort of leap series (she is good at leaps so they are trying what they call a hard series what evere that means) and some type of back tuck or layout thing for the dismount. If anything holds her back it will be the beam stuff. Ok that is about all the names of skills I know the names of everything else I call that twisty or twirly things after that jumpy or leapy thing LOL. I have my fingers and toes crossed that she gets the skills well enough that they let her compete L8 this coming season. But she is hopfull and excited at the posibility and prepared to do L7 if she doesn't get the skills when she needs them.

Don't have the summer schedule yet so I don't know if hours will increase over the summer.

there are sevreral girls trying out over the last week too from other gyms some we know and have asked us how we like it. All I can say is WE LOVE IT AND IT WAS THE BEST DECISION WE EVER MADE.
Part of my job is teaching resume classes, so if either Bog's or LG7's job-searching kids want me to look at their resume, feel free to pm me and I can give you my email address.

Of course, the irony is that I teach classes in resumes and interview skills and help teenagers find jobs, and I find out on Tuesday if I'm going to be laid off! :p Sigh. I suppose I could use a few fairies sent in my direction as well... "Job Keeping Fairies?" "Budget Fairies?" Not sure what kind, but I'm sure there's a fairy out there for me...

Well that's not good. It's still hard out here. I've been out for 2 years now and still looking am getting tired of doing the job hunting thing that's for sure. Even went back to college to get an associates as a minor to go with my BS. Just finished that up all "A" my mommy would be proud LOL. The biggest issue I have is my age when looking for a position. Its hard to get a job at 40 something when the 20 and 30 somethings are out there in their tighter than tight dresses putting all those extra assets in plain site. Also compainies know that with experience and education comes a higher pay to start and its easier to pay less and train someone then pay more. Sigh it all comes down to money doesn't it. right now i'm taking the summer off (thank god hubby has a good job and we can afford for me to do that) then in the fall go back to the job hunting. I defintily need a break from that.
DD competed L8 states in March (1st year at L8, 34.85AA, not horrible!) and since has been having so much fun in the gym. It is great to hear the recap of what new things she did each day. I can tell it is going well just by her attitude. (plus, her coach also mentioned to me how well she is doing) Here is the recap:
Vault: abandoned the tsuk and is now working on the Yeurchenko. She said it is going well. She goes over the table and says she is popping off. No flips yet.
Bars: Is doing the shoot up and shoot over, free hip to handstand, reworking her giants to straddle her legs when she passes the low bar. Double back dismount into the pit with a pad. Seem like it is going well.
Beam: Doing a bhandspring, bhandspring without a pad on a very low beam. bhandspring layout on floor beam with pad. new leaps new dismount backhandspring arabian (looks really cool)
Floor: 1 1/2 twist into pit with mat, front handspring layout layout on the floor (she is a good front tumbler)

Most importantly, she is having so much fun in the gym! (she just turned 14)
My daughter found out last week that she made the level 4 team. She is working so hard on all her skills. She has most of them mastered but now needs to fine tune them. She still struggles with the shoot through and the stride circle but with time she will get them. I showed her the email the coach sent saying who made what level. She cried when she saw her name and said that she has worked so hard for this. It was heartbreaking. She is so excited to start her training for competition season.
My dd almost has her twisting double-back flyaway!! Level 10 is in full swing. Also has her 2 1/2 on floor.

I needed to update: she almost has her 2 1/2 to punch front on floor!! Yee-ha! And her front tuck on beam. Ordered the ShockSox someone posted about, and hoping it will help with these front punches hurting my dd's heels. We shall see, and i will let you all know how they do. She is working on laying out her vault, but will then have to twist as well :( That may take awhile. Lots of cool stuff in the gym during the summer.
Our daughters must have been separated at birth! LOL You're right, they do sound the same.

That's really great about your daughter sticking the handspring vault. Bella's has never even vaulted to the table yet. I've been curious about how she would like it but I think that her approach probably isn't fast enough yet. I still notice the slightest of hesitation when it comes time to circle her arms and hit the springboard. She needs some more time to really attack it and I'm sure her coaches won't let her near the table until she's ready. But serious kudos to your DD for her vaulting skills!

Thanks! Maryn is not happy unless she is hurling her body through the air, so it makes sense that vault is something she likes ;)

And yes, our DD's were probably separated at birth!!! Have to tell you that I have read your thread on Bella's "gym behavior" and that this was my DD a few months ago TO A "T"! She has since clamed down, as I pulled her behind out of practice one night, took her home and told her that team is a privelege, not a right and that she could do rec. classes if she wasn't prepared to view it as such. She still has her moments, but definitely has gotten to be more focused. I just could not stand to see her flopping around on the mats or the floor while waiting her turn, getting in other girl's faces & acting a fool and just not taking it seriously. So frustrating and obnoxious! Of course, I made a much bigger deal of it than her HC, but then again, it's my child ;)

It's really rather cool that our DD's are both 7 y.o and L4's! Will be fun to hear more about Bella's progress and how her first season goes, as well. She sounds like a really powerful and talented little gymmie!
Thanks! Maryn is not happy unless she is hurling her body through the air, so it makes sense that vault is something she likes ;)

And yes, our DD's were probably separated at birth!!! Have to tell you that I have read your thread on Bella's "gym behavior" and that this was my DD a few months ago TO A "T"! She has since clamed down, as I pulled her behind out of practice one night, took her home and told her that team is a privelege, not a right and that she could do rec. classes if she wasn't prepared to view it as such. She still has her moments, but definitely has gotten to be more focused. I just could not stand to see her flopping around on the mats or the floor while waiting her turn, getting in other girl's faces & acting a fool and just not taking it seriously. So frustrating and obnoxious! Of course, I made a much bigger deal of it than her HC, but then again, it's my child ;)

It's really rather cool that our DD's are both 7 y.o and L4's! Will be fun to hear more about Bella's progress and how her first season goes, as well. She sounds like a really powerful and talented little gymmie!

That gives me some hope. Bella spent the month of May not working out with her group and moving to one private lesson per week because the coach was just fed up with her disrupting practice for all the other girls. The decrease in training hours has been brutal on both of us. She goes back to regular team practices tomorrow and I will be honest....I'm very anxious about it. I know I shouldn't take her behavior as a reflection of myself but I do. I am hoping that realizing that she could lose the privilege of gymnastics has woken her up some and that she will start acting her age.

I considered pulling her out of camp too. That was going to be a financial hit since it was past the refund deadline but I consulted a very nice, very smart guy here on CB who made me pause and think about that. He thought it might help her become a little more independent.

I am hoping that she proves herself and will be allowed to compete this season. I told her that it wasn't a given because of her past behavior issues. I thought she was definitely going to compete but her coach told me that it wasn't definite and she needed to see some maturity happen over the summer. Hopefully I'll be able to share this 7YO/L4 journey with you!!!!
Maryn's Mom and Bella's Mom I will share the journey right there with you my daughter is a 7yo/L4 too. And a lot of what you guys describe as your daughter's is my daughter also.
Well Midget is training level 5, with the season starting at the end of August. but she needs to have all her skills to compete so we will see.

Floor - She has everything. Now that she is out of her ankle brace her front handsprings are getting more consistent (i think the brace made her foot slide out from under her). She has the double back handsprings down pat amazingly enough, she has never been a big tumbler but recently it has really clicked and she is doing awesome at it. And she got her back extension roll.

Beam - She has everything, but is fighting some fear issues after a pretty good fall about a month ago. She keeps bailing out of her cartwheel on the high beam. She can do it on the fat one, and the high beam with a mat around it, just fine. And it was beautiful before.

Vault - She gets over, the last few days it has been pretty low though. like almost scraping her head low. Which is too bad as it was looking pretty good at first.

Bars - That darn kip!!!! She is getting it with a finger spot though, so I think she might get it soon. I hope so at least. She has everything else.

So there it is, reality is she needs her kip and she is there. She leaves Sunday for Flip Fest and I am hoping the excitement of being there, plus some other coaching styles will help her get the kip.
Maryn's Mom and Bella's Mom I will share the journey right there with you my daughter is a 7yo/L4 too. And a lot of what you guys describe as your daughter's is my daughter also.

We should start a user group....L4/7YOs who are WILD! LOL
DD has her second Level 4 meet next weekend (her first was in February) and I know it's going to be a LOT cleaner. She's ready to train L5 full-time, but not sure when she will be competition-ready in it. We may just sit out the fall meet (rather than compete L4 again) and concentrate fully on being ready to compete L5 next February.

Floor: has RO-BHS-BHS, slightly messy FHS, sort of dive roll; needs to get the front tuck; not sure if she's worked on the back extn roll
Bars: close to having kip, had squat-on but something has thrown her off and she's missing it a bit now, she can do pull over on the high bar, she's working on the half turn for dismount
Beam: needs cartwheel, and needs to get less shaky and much more tight!
Vault: I have no idea if she's even worked on this yet
We should start a user group....L4/7YOs who are WILD! LOL

So cool to have a place where us gym Moms can congregate and share the commonalities of our gymmies :)

I will totally join that user group! In fact, last night at practice, HC had only about 6 girls in the gym and was letting them listen & free dance to different floor music. Obviously they won't be needing it anytime soon, but she wanted to let them do something fun since it was their last day of school & also to see what kind of music might fit with each of them. So she tells one girl "jazz", another "hip-hop" and my DD "anything dramatic!" - LOL!!! She said once we get DD's little body under control, she's gonna rock - there's hope for her yet! ;)
My daughter, Sarah, is a bit further behind than the other progress reports posted here.

I wasn't going to post but I saw someone refer to starting a group about 7 year olds gone wild. My daughter started rec at 3 1/2 and has been a handful in class for much of that time. It is only really the last couple of months that I have gone to gymnastics with her and had a peaceful (maybe more boring) time while watching her. Previous to this, I was tied up in knots and and at times mortified.

My daughter, except for bars is probably between level 2 and 3. She's still working on her pullover for bars and is getting much closer - but not yet. She also has some shoulder flexibility issues that we've working on. She just got her back roll to pike.
Just had our meeting with her coach. No big surprises. She moved to workout with the level fours back in January but didn't compete last season. So now she is officially a level four and will compete next season, which for us starts in January. I am happy that she is staying with her group and will work out with the second year level fours so that she will get to keep up training and stay with some of the new friends that she's made these last few months.

I was happy to hear that her coaches seem to understand her and how she works best. She can be rather rigid and literal sometimes and is hesitant to throw a new skill out there with poor form, so she isn't the first one out of the gate, but her skills look really good when she does get them. I went into the meeting planning to share all this with him, but was pleasantly surprised when he explained it all to me.

Skill wise, she is moving along. She finally got her flat fall vault on the high mats. Poor girl has been running at that darn thing for months. She is small and the mat seems to tower over her. It took a different coach to make it click for her. Sometimes new words explaining the same thing can change everything.

She has her beam routine pretty much down, just polishing now and getting her dismount consistent. She also has her cartweel most of the time.

On bars she finally conquered that darn mill circle and is gaining more power and smoothness to her routine. She still needs a slight spot on her Kip, but I find her doing drills in her room after bedtime (naughty!) so I know she has her mind set on it.

She knows the floor routine and it looks really pretty except for her robhs. Eek!

Where I have seen the most improvement though is in her strength and flexibility. In the last couple months she has gotten her press handstand and can now do three, although she usually has to bump her bum on the floor and she just got that back roll to handstand thing. She is down or over in all her splits and has increased her upper body strength stuff (pull ups and legless rope climb), which is an area that she always needs to work harder than everyone else.

This is a fun thread and I look forward to coming back in a year and seeing how far all our kids have come. So proud of them all.
Maggie has been having a blast at the gym. She is in the L3/4 (L3's trying to go L4). She has been working really hard on her RO-BHS and her front hip circle. She just got her back handspring on the trampoline the other it is...

Maggie's BHS look great! How is your son doing on his "circles"? I'm sure he enjoys practice time.

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