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Older DGD will be repeating Level 8 since she only got out of her cast and boot about 2-3 weeks or so ago and just began training again. She was pretty much expecting to repeat it even before the breaks as her bars were weak and she struggled a lot with consistency with her bwo bhs on beam(thus the injuries again)..She seems more enthusiastic than ever to overcome those issues this year and so I commend her. Younger DGD is having a "scoreout" Level 6 meet this coming weekend and hoping to be competing Level 7 in January with her big sister. All I hope for this year is to get through the season with no injuries... younger DGD "scored out of her Level 6 meet with a 34 something (had a bad beam score that the coach couldn't explain but that's ok)..moving on now and hoping to be Level 7 in January if the skills fall into place, otherwise they will have a Prep-Opt team this year-I just don't think the gym really wants to go there but will if necessary. Older DGD just trudging on and trying to get her giants, bhs and other skills back...crossing my fingers on that one...
Well here goes - my older dd (Level 7 last year) is still working on her full - she does them into the pit, and finally tried it onto the resi just the other night - I think that is progress. She also worked fhs, front layout, front layout on the tumble track this week and was pretty proud of that! She has her switch leap and roundoff dismount on beam now, so beam is ready for Level 8. They are still really working drills hard for vault for yurchenkos - I hope it starts to take shape over the summer. Also, the dreaded bars - she almost has her straight cast handstand (straddle cast handstand was in her routine last year) - free hips are alittle better and giant drills are going well, but no official giants yet.
little dd has been doing team practice for 1 week now and loves it - she learned her handstand backbend and kickover and is working on the backhandsprings. On beam she can do most of the routine it just isn't big enough yet - she still needs help on the dismount, but mostly because the beams are too high and she can't touch the ground from the beam. On bars she has her backhipcircle and is sooo close on the front hip circle but those darn little hands make it scary. She is having a blast and learning new stuff every practice!
DD (12) - plan is to go national this fall (Canada)

Vault - doing fairly consistently front/front, tsuk 1/2, yurchenko pike (she pikes waaayyy better than tuck, LOL)
Beam - BHS/BLOSO, Back Tuck, Ariel, working front ariel (consistent on road beam) and side somi, has BLO 1 1/2 dismount
Bars - working pirrouettes, shootover, tkatchev (sp?), has FH to Handstand, Step down to Handstand, double back dismount, has stalder, working endo
Floor - double back (tuck and pike) on floor now, new leaps (can never remember the names), BLO 1 1/2 twist to front pike, BLO double twist, working 2 1/2

Still loves it after 8 years :-)
My dd touched the bar on her Geinger. :)

An update: She caught the bar at least twice today!! And, she's worn the ShockSox and said they do help her heels to not hurt. Her teammates and all very curious and keep asking her about them. Some have tried them on, too, and one girl is getting a pair. I'm not one to make recommendations because if people are unhappy I don't want it coming back on me. But, my daughter likes that they are snug-fitting without needing tape, and sleek (not bulky). They don't raise her heels up like the rubber heel cups, yet still absorb the pounding, and they don't slip on floor or beam.
Dani got her first trophy this past weekend - for 5th place AA in the Level 4, 6 - 9 age group! Unfortunately she fell on beam - without that fall she would have been 4th or even maybe 3rd AA, because the AA scores were so close around 3rd, 4th and 5th. She got her best bars score ever - 8.925 - bars haven't been her strong point in the past, but she's improving. Her floor showed up her tightness issues - only 8.4, with a routine that was fairly technically correct. I know she was hammered on form deductions. Same for beam, plus the fall - 7.9. On bars she did a fabulous routine other than the form issues (some bent knees in the mill circle, small pike in BHC etc.) and a not so great landing. Her dismount is lovely - beautiful underswing - she just needs to be slightly straighter in the BHC part and to stick the landing completely. She still pikes her vault a little, and her legs aren't locked straight and tight in the handstand part, but she didn't do too badly - 8.6. I'm proud of her. I'm not sure whether she will start training level 5 now or if she'll stay in level 4 until she gets tighter. She can certainly do all the level 4 skills and many of the level 5 ones. It's up to her coach, but I know she would like to move up. I am willing to let her not compete in the fall and just let her concentrate on level 5 only until she is ready to compete it, rather than train level 5 but then have to go back to level 4 practice before a competition.
New Update. Alex did her BWO on the high beam by herself last week and also her BHS on road beam (high beam with a wide top over it. It is called road beam bezause it has stripes down the middle) without. a spot also. I am so proud of her overcoming her fears this summer. She has become such a determined girl.
Well DD has come home saying "Mom I made my..." I have not seen these but here goes...giant on strap bar and over pit bar, standing back tuck, FF FF BT, and today she did a few halfs on floor. I have seen her beautiful BWO on high beam. She is coming right along!
Vault - has yurchenko full and working 1 1/2 (3/2?)
Bars - working on cleaning up her tkatchev and adding a full twist to her dismount.
Beam - side aerial and rudi jumps, I just don't know what they are!
Floor - Double pike(has into the resi) whip 1/2 full, front hand rudi.

Has only had one week of summer practice. They didn't have state until june 18 and then had a week off! She is making progress on giants, still working that same vault! She is already doing bwo bwo on high and has bhs on high. I actually have no idea on floor but I know that she has her floor routine!
We are new here, so this will be an intro and update in one!
I have one ds in gymnatics. he just turned 9 and is training level 6. we are not sure if he will compete 5 or 6, unless you ask him and he is determined to get a 6.

New skills:
He just got his dislocate on rings, handspring on vault, RH BHS BHS Back tuck on floor, and flyaways on PB and HB. He almost has his magyar on Pommel (no handles) He is working on giants on strap bar right now. That is definitely his hardest event!
My Dd has been steady working the skills for Level 8. She has her BHS/BHS/BT dismount on beam and also her FWO/BHS (her two series that she will compete) switch leap, and the other jump she is doing.

One Floor she has her Full, FHS/FLO and is working two different double Salto passes. Not sure which one she will compete.
She also just got her new floor music and will get her new routine when she gets back from L7/L8 Regional Training Camp this week in Florida.

Bars, she has her half Piroutte, and then on High bar, has Giant, Free Hip HS, Giant. She is also working on Bails.

Vault is coming along. She is flipping the Yurchenko consistently into the pit (landing on a mat) the next big hurdle is moving it to the other vault and not landing into the pit.

So, all in all it's been a good summer for her so far.
Jess has been having a great summer she got her BHS BHS on beam and her FHS FLO on floor. She working on a BT on beam and a full on floor . . . and those damn giants. Bars are just not her thing right now. She does them great on strap bar. On pit bar she goes from being a hair away to total flop. I think she has a correction in her head just can't seem to implement or maybe it's the grips? I will say every time she tries giants she's straight as a board she refuses to bend anything to get over LOL. Summer isn't over yet! She'll get there. On vault they are playing around with tsuks into the pit. She's consistently feet first LOL and having a ball with it.

The funniest thing is she's lefty and last week a few of the coaches kept forgetting and she took each one down as they tried to make her twist or pirouette the wrong way LOL. Wish I had my camera!
Yay, I have progress to share! We switched gyms about a month ago and older DD is working on all kinds of new things. Her vault is looking much better, they have fixed her run and now working on the actual vault part, LOL. On bars she is working flyaways and baby giants...she is still nervous about doing giants on strap bar but I hope that she will try them soon. Her new grips have given her some trouble, but she is getting there. Beam is going great, she is doing handstand/BWO in her routine and it is lovely, also has cartwheel/cartwheel really pretty, wolf jump/split jump combo and front tuck dismount. Wow! On floor she is working front tuck and ROBHS/BT. She has both of these on tumble track and has done the front tuck a couple times. She has her front tumbling passes, can't remember what they are but I think one of them is the L6 pass and it looks good. She is getting her floor choreography on Friday and we have her music...all so fun and exciting! I'm super proud of her.

Little DD is adapting to her new coaches. They are stressing form...which she needs desperately. She has lost her shoot through but her mill circle is 98% there and FHC is there 90%. Vault is still giving her trouble but they are working on it by breaking it down...I am glad to see this. Beam handstands are 100 percent better! Floor should be good this year if she can get tighter. She just doesn't HAVE much tight to give, LOL.

Tiny DD has also started at the new gym in the rec classes, she is learning some of the level 2 skills. She can do the forward roll on low beam, it is so cute, but she can't do a cartwheel to save her life. She is so funny. She just loves being in the gym with her big sisters.

Wow, that was long but it has been so fun to see older DD progressing with new skills this summer! :)
Well DD was doing well till the back injury...she has been out of the gym for 4 weeks now which is not helping her chances of getting that dreded kip. We go to the ped. spine specialist on Aug 8th. If all is clear they will release her to practice again. But it may be too late for her at that point. I can't get a coach to tell me what they will do. So I'm frustrated all around.
We are thinking if she can get her kip in August after she comes back we might do Prep Opt instead of compulsories so she doesn't get stuck in a level when they change the compul. requirements next year. That would be 3 years @ level 4!!! For a 12 yo that is tough. We'll see. DD is on vacation with grandma and grandpa at the moment. Only time will tell for us!!
Yay, I have progress to share! We switched gyms about a month ago and older DD is working on all kinds of new things. Her vault is looking much better, they have fixed her run and now working on the actual vault part, LOL. On bars she is working flyaways and baby giants...she is still nervous about doing giants on strap bar but I hope that she will try them soon. Her new grips have given her some trouble, but she is getting there. Beam is going great, she is doing handstand/BWO in her routine and it is lovely, also has cartwheel/cartwheel really pretty, wolf jump/split jump combo and front tuck dismount. Wow! On floor she is working front tuck and ROBHS/BT. She has both of these on tumble track and has done the front tuck a couple times. She has her front tumbling passes, can't remember what they are but I think one of them is the L6 pass and it looks good. She is getting her floor choreography on Friday and we have her music...all so fun and exciting! I'm super proud of her.

Little DD is adapting to her new coaches. They are stressing form...which she needs desperately. She has lost her shoot through but her mill circle is 98% there and FHC is there 90%. Vault is still giving her trouble but they are working on it by breaking it down...I am glad to see this. Beam handstands are 100 percent better! Floor should be good this year if she can get tighter. She just doesn't HAVE much tight to give, LOL.

Tiny DD has also started at the new gym in the rec classes, she is learning some of the level 2 skills. She can do the forward roll on low beam, it is so cute, but she can't do a cartwheel to save her life. She is so funny. She just loves being in the gym with her big sisters.

Wow, that was long but it has been so fun to see older DD progressing with new skills this summer! :)

Sounds like things are really coming together!! I wish they would let us know where they are going to place the girls. All Alex talks about is having her own routines! The waiting game can be brutal!!
Sounds like things are really coming together!! I wish they would let us know where they are going to place the girls. All Alex talks about is having her own routines! The waiting game can be brutal!!

When willl you know? I can imagine how excited she must be...she has made so much progress over the summer! When does meet season start there?
Well DD5 (6 in september) will compete L4 this year. She is so close to her FHC on bars just needs to fight for it. She has her RBS but needs a 1 finger spot because of confidence. Beam is looking much better. We were suppose to start season on Aug 27th for a fun meet but our coach just up and left this past weekend so we are up in the air for a coach. The girls are so upset as are the parents. If we find a coach soon the meet should go on but if not we will not start season until October :(
DD got her kip back - yay! It's messy and her arms are bent, but she can do it. She's got time to clean it up before the next meet. She's the only one in her Level 4 training group to even get close to a kip. She has everything else for L5 except cartwheel on beam, so she's definitely going to be training and competing L5 this season. Yikes - that's 4 times a week in the gym now, and more $$$$.
When willl you know? I can imagine how excited she must be...she has made so much progress over the summer! When does meet season start there?

Been out of pocket the last couple of days. Just found out Alex has tendonitis in her right wrist! YUCK!! Ortho said that she has to wear Tiger Paws. The good news is we caught it early enough before it developed into what he called "gymnast wrist". Anyway, comp season starts in Oct but they always wait til late August to decide anything. Not sure why. Alex will surely be bummed if she has to do L5 again this fall.
Been out of pocket the last couple of days. Just found out Alex has tendonitis in her right wrist! YUCK!! Ortho said that she has to wear Tiger Paws. The good news is we caught it early enough before it developed into what he called "gymnast wrist". Anyway, comp season starts in Oct but they always wait til late August to decide anything. Not sure why. Alex will surely be bummed if she has to do L5 again this fall.
It sure seems like she is way past L5. Fingers crossed for her to get the heck out of there. Hope that wrist settles down too. Lots of the girls at our gym wear the tiger paws. Hope they help her!

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