We're sort of in the thick of things still I guess. Actually, I have fraternal twin girls, 12 1/2, and my gymmie is definitely well into things but my dancer is not. About a year and a half ago I was looking at my gymmie thinking "I can't believe she's developing!" and now I'm looking at my dancer and thinking "I can't believe she's not developing!" I guess they all have their own schedule.
From a gymnastics perspective, she went through a rough patch at the beginning of last season, but with the help and understanding of patient coaches, she came through it just fine. I would like to think that we're done with that, but especially since she's been out the last 6 weeks with an injury, and definitely not done growing yet, I am trying to prepare myself for a potentially rough start to her level 8 season as well.
As far as mood swings go, they definitely do "swing." Which isn't all bad. The smallest thing may send her off into a snit, but if I don't make a big deal out of it, it passes as quickly as it started. It's hard to know when to put your foot down about unacceptable behavior and when to just let it go, when you know the storm will pass so much more quickly if you just ignore it!
I think, though my husband would disagree with me, that we are reaching the age where the long hours spent in the gym really can be a good thing. She is active, hanging out in a place where she has constant supervision and great role models, learning discipline and time management, and she doesn't see us enough to get sick of us (much).