@twinmomma , that makes me laugh. DS is just a year older than dd, and I've seen more crying from him and his baseball team mates than I have from the gymnasts! Some of them at that age(including ds) cried all the way to the dugout after every strikeout!!!! It was maddening! But, for the OP, I would say that some amount of tears is "normal" in the gym. My dd (10) cried with frustration and effort during conditioning. It freaked me out the first time I saw her, but then she came out of gym all smiles and "starving". It's just her way of dealing with the level of effort she is putting in. (not forced by any means, it's all self driven) Leveling up can be really hard from some girls, especially if they had a comparatively easy conditioning schedule before. For some of them at this age, it's the first time they have been pushed beyond what's "fun". I would expect those tears to be short lived as everyone adjusts to the new workout. Also, I've walked into the gym and seen a whole group of girls crying because they were scolded by their beloved coach. Once one of them started, the waterworks came on for all. So, if it continues, it's a problem. If it' an isolated incidence or seasonal, I wouldn't worry too much.