Q. for gym owners &/or full time coaches (& anyone else who wants to chip in!)

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Invisible Duck

Oct 22, 2007
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so.... a little hesitant to ask this question due to the plethora of similar questions but here we go.....

a little background: I am 23 and have been coaching for 9 years (training for 17). I have a degree in behavioural neuroscience with a double major in behavioural neuroscience and psychology and a B.App. Science (Psychology) (Honours).
The only trouble is that this qualifies me for absolutely nothing!! Aside from that I have come to the decision not to go in to work in the area of psychology (my original intention) as after having done work experience I'm not sure I can see myself doing that for ever. I love the theory but in practice I find it a little dull.

On the other hand I really love coaching and would love to be able to make a career out of it. In Australia this is quite hard. There are not too many full time coaching jobs out there. Therefore in the ideal world I would love to one day own my own gym to enable me to have a career in gymnastics.

Since I have not been studying this year I have been doing work experience at the state association for gymnastics to gain so experience in sports admin etc. I have also been toying with the idea of going back to uni to study a masters in business (sports management). While I know this would be a good thing to do I just really am not sure if I want to do it! I have never studied this kind of thing before and I just can't see myself doing it.... (haha does this mean I am not cut out to own/manage a gym?)

So..... my question is: for any owners/managers/full time coaches etc what experience and/or qualifications do you have/ did you have when you began. What would you suggest is important? How did you get started?

so thanks for reading, congratulations if you made it this far! :)

Oh... and since these things seem so important.... what colour do you think I should paint my gym?!?!?! (too much? :p)
This doesn't answer your question but have you considered sports psychology?
There is a LOT of work out there for gym coaches in Australia. Good full time coaches are hard to come by. Get in contact with your state association for gymnastics to find out where the job openings are, and get your foot in the door in a club. Most big clubs are looking for willing people to train up to take on more senior roles. Find a job, get your foot in the door, and if you are good you will be offered plenty more work.
Best owners were gymnasts

OK Im an owner and a coach. Ive coached for several gyms in my 14year coaching career. To be honest youre already on the right track. The best owners have always been the folks that have an in depth view of the sport from a gymnast and a coaches point of view. That way you have the two most important aspects of your business to draw from your experience. What you liked, what you didnt and ect..... The most important qualification is a pure love for this sport we all have come to respect and revere. The only other tool that might prove useful is a gymnasts parent that you really trust their opinion. Remeber parents pay the bills. As far as color, Ive said it before go with what best suits your gymns personnality. True colors are always the best:)

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