Parents Question about age

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Proud Parent
Nov 24, 2024
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So my daughter is 7. She had her first competition today she competed on bronze team. She turns 8 in February of 2025. They had her in group with 8&9 years olds. Is this right? Or should she still be in the group with the 7 year olds?
Age Groups are subjective and change every meet. She might me in a 6/7 age group next time, she could be in a 7/8 an 8/9, it really depends. If the 7 year old age group at this meet was very large, they may have put some girls that were closer to turning 8 in the 8/9 group to balance out the numbers. My DD was in a JR A group one meet and a SR B the next, I wouldn't stress about it.
Age Groups are subjective and change every meet. She might me in a 6/7 age group next time, she could be in a 7/8 an 8/9, it really depends. If the 7 year old age group at this meet was very large, they may have put some girls that were closer to turning 8 in the 8/9 group to balance out the numbers. My DD was in a JR A group one meet and a SR B the next, I wouldn't stress about it.
Her coach told me it’s because of her age she turns 8 in February. She was the only 7 year old in the 8&9 group. But if she would have been in her age group she would have placed at the top. They put my kid at youth A. When she should have been in child C with all the other 7 year olds. When at the beginning on the meet she did floor and it was after vault they actually started scoring her. I had to get the coaches attention that hey why is my kid not being scored. She wasn’t even on the scoreking site until the end of the meet. I’m very upset. They put my kid in an age group she didn’t even belong in she didn’t even place at all. Let me also tell you it was her own gym that hosted this event. I’m pretty upset over all of this.
Assuming this is for the 2024-2025 season, it's her age as of 12/31/25, so yes, she would be 8 years old.

However, at most meets by us, they take the total number of competitors and divide them into even age groups. For ease, let's say there are 30 athletes. The 10 youngest would be a group, the next 10 oldest, and then the oldest 10 would be the last age group. In this situation, if your daughter was that 11th youngest athlete, it would bump her into the next group. And yes, an athlete who might win in one age group might not place in another, and I know it sucks sometimes, but that's just how it is. It's why, as a coach, I discourage goals that center around placing or even scores and focus on things a gymnast has control over - did you stay on the beam? Did you connect your bar routine? Were your feet pointed through your leap series?

As for not being scored initially or being on the website, mistakes happen and you'll find the scoring websites are not the end all be all. They will have missing data a lot, they will crash, they won't update immediately. Please just try to be your kiddo's number one fan and help her learn to try her best, be a good teammate, and have fun in sport.
Assuming this is for the 2024-2025 season, it's her age as of 12/31/25, so yes, she would be 8 years old.

However, at most meets by us, they take the total number of competitors and divide them into even age groups. For ease, let's say there are 30 athletes. The 10 youngest would be a group, the next 10 oldest, and then the oldest 10 would be the last age group. In this situation, if your daughter was that 11th youngest athlete, it would bump her into the next group. And yes, an athlete who might win in one age group might not place in another, and I know it sucks sometimes, but that's just how it is. It's why, as a coach, I discourage goals that center around placing or even scores and focus on things a gymnast has control over - did you stay on the beam? Did you connect your bar routine? Were your feet pointed through your leap series?

As for not being scored initially or being on the website, mistakes happen and you'll find the scoring websites are not the end all be all. They will have missing data a lot, they will crash, they won't update immediately. Please just try to be your kiddo's number one fan and help her learn to try her best, be a good teammate, and have fun in sport
Okay I got it. So even though she is 7 and turns 8 in February. And her other team mate that’s 7 and turns 8 in April. They both are gonna be in different age groups? Even though they were both born in the same year?
I’m not upset with my child scores by any means. Of course I'm her number 1 fan. I just am trying to understand. Because she does have another meet coming up that’s has a 8 and up event and a 7 and under. In December. I asked what age group she would compete on. And I was told she would be in the 8 and up even though she still only 7. .

And oh okay so if my daughter doesn’t pop up on the score bored at the actual meet, after she does a routine. And then. Her whole team goes and they get scored. I should just leave it alone? Because it’s a technical issue? Even though they went through 2 events without her score popping up. My daughter thought she was forgotten about. I’m new to this gymnastics mom stuff. But I definitely don’t want to make anyone mad.
Her coach told me it’s because of her age she turns 8 in February. She was the only 7 year old in the 8&9 group. But if she would have been in her age group she would have placed at the top. They put my kid at youth A. When she should have been in child C with all the other 7 year olds. When at the beginning on the meet she did floor and it was after vault they actually started scoring her. I had to get the coaches attention that hey why is my kid not being scored. She wasn’t even on the scoreking site until the end of the meet. I’m very upset. They put my kid in an age group she didn’t even belong in she didn’t even place at all. Let me also tell you it was her own gym that hosted this event. I’m pretty upset over all of this.
How do you know that all the other girls in Child C were 7 years old? They don't publish the birthdays any more, and you'd have to know them all personally. As Coach Kate said, most meets divide the number of participants by the number of age groups to get even groupings. It has been a very long time since I have seen a meet divide girls solely on their age. AAU used to do this, but then you'd have 1 5-year-old in her own age group and winning everything; 4 or 5 in the six year old category; 14 or 15 in the seven year old category; and so on. Her coach would not know the exact ages of the girls either, unless she asked each one how old they were.
Going forward, sometimes you child will be the youngest in her age group and sometimes she will be the oldest. She could have a teammate whose birthday is 1 day before her's, and they could be in different age groups. It all depends on the number of entries in a meet and the number of age groups they are divided into.
The scoreboard thing might not be anything. At pretty much every meet some kid’s score gets stuck up there for an entire rotation (and I always feel terrible when it’s a low one) and then they flash really quickly through the rest or never show them.

Another person explained age groups well. The vast majority of meets are dividing an entire meet session into equal age groups. So at one meet, a 10
Year old with a November 2015 birthday will be with an 8 year old born in 2017. And at the next meet, they might only be in an age group with kids born October 2015-December 2015. It depends on the size of the meet, which gyms are competing (some skew older or younger) and what level you’re at. A kid who started competing early or is on a faster path and “young” for their level will often be in the youngest age group that spans 2, 3 or even 4 years.

Also, don’t get caught up in Child A vs. Junior B or whatever. I think my kid had a season where she was everything from child to junior to youth, and every letter. It’s just done in order by birth date at each meet. My kid often isn’t in an age group with teammates who were born a month before or after her. But other times the entire level from her gym is in just 2-3 age groups.
Okay I got it. So even though she is 7 and turns 8 in February. And her other team mate that’s 7 and turns 8 in April. They both are gonna be in different age groups? Even though they were both born in the same year?
I’m not upset with my child scores by any means. Of course I'm her number 1 fan. I just am trying to understand. Because she does have another meet coming up that’s has a 8 and up event and a 7 and under. In December. I asked what age group she would compete on. And I was told she would be in the 8 and up even though she still only 7. .

And oh okay so if my daughter doesn’t pop up on the score bored at the actual meet, after she does a routine. And then. Her whole team goes and they get scored. I should just leave it alone? Because it’s a technical issue? Even though they went through 2 events without her score popping up. My daughter thought she was forgotten about. I’m new to this gymnastics mom stuff. But I definitely don’t want to make anyone mad.
I hate those automatic scoring things! They are so unreliable, plus in order to catch a score you have to stare at it forever instead of watching the meet. But rest assured, they've marked down your daughter's score. The judges are focused more on being accurate than pleasing us parents.

As to age groups....sometimes the way they group kids just doesn't work out. My kid has been on the losing end of the age group stick, and also on the winning end....and also, a couple times, a State Champion merely because she was the only one in her age group. But most of the time, it does work out fairly. Like others said, don't get hung up about the age groups so much, and focus on her progression through the year.
So my daughter is 7. She had her first competition today she competed on bronze team. She turns 8 in February of 2025. They had her in group with 8&9 years olds. Is this right? Or should she still be in the group with the 7 year olds?
We go to a meet that has a Championship in February and all age groups are done by that date, even if meet is before then. I have 2 gymnasts that will have their birthdays in December but they competed the age they will be in February. Sometimes it works for the better and sometimes not. Meet directors can make their own rules for age groups. My daughter competes with girls that are 3-4 years younger in some meets (she competes AAU). It all works out in the end. The most important thing for me as a coach and mom is that my gymnasts are having fun and progressing each meet.
Our area has the girls compete the age they will be as of nationals so most compete as a year older than they are for majority of the season. As for how the groups are decided truly is pretty random and most of the time computer generated.
Okay I got it. So even though she is 7 and turns 8 in February. And her other team mate that’s 7 and turns 8 in April. They both are gonna be in different age groups? Even though they were both born in the same year?
I’m not upset with my child scores by any means. Of course I'm her number 1 fan. I just am trying to understand. Because she does have another meet coming up that’s has a 8 and up event and a 7 and under. In December. I asked what age group she would compete on. And I was told she would be in the 8 and up even though she still only 7. .

And oh okay so if my daughter doesn’t pop up on the score bored at the actual meet, after she does a routine. And then. Her whole team goes and they get scored. I should just leave it alone? Because it’s a technical issue? Even though they went through 2 events without her score popping up. My daughter thought she was forgotten about. I’m new to this gymnastics mom stuff. But I definitely don’t want to make anyone mad.
In some states, the age is set based on the first (or last) day of the state meet (or culminating meet, if no state meet is offered). If your state meet is in March or after your daughter's b-day and before teammate's, then, yes, the girls would be separated into different age groups.
We have had twins who were in different age groups because the older one was born close to midnight and her sister was born after midnight. One season, the cut-off was the date the younger one was born, so her sister was an age group higher. They actually preferred it that way because they didn't have to directly compete against each other, giving both of them the opportunity to shine.
I totally hear you on how disorienting this can be! In one of our meet circuits, we pretty much all know each other in the same level. I remember seeing the list in my daughter’s group the night before her first meet last season and my heart sank: these were strong competitors, many of whom were 12-18 months older than her. She was 7 at the time.

I asked our gym owner about it and she explained, as others have here, that it’s done to even out the numbers. With natural attrition at each level, the levels start to thin and the age ranges can get wider. She also told me when these things happen, “older doesn’t necessarily mean better.”

The first meet was rough and annoying as she placed 4th on every event and here only the top 3 get on the podium. That being said, it motivated her to work really hard the rest of the season and she ended as one of the strongest athletes in her division with great results.

Keep on supporting your daughter as you are and ask questions so you know and understand what’s going on. Then focus on what you can control - we can’t control things like the grouping or the order on the day, but we can help our kids be prepared, be their emotional support, and have fun.
Speaking as someone who has helped set the age groups for an award category, we try to lump them together with their closest age counterparts down to the month. However, sometimes that ends up with lobsided groups eg. 15 in one category and 2 in another. So sometimes that plays a part in that they will try to even out the number of kids in each category. Which can also end up with a 17 year old and a a 12 year old in the same group regrettably. Have faith that the meet coordinators are trying to be fair, but sometimes that works to your advantage and other times not.
Season 5 Idk GIF by Paramount+
I can second the above poster’s comments.
We were at a small meet last weekend and my daughter (just turned 7) ended up as the youngest in a group with girls who just turned 9. It stinks but technically they are all the same level and theoretically to be at that level even the youngsters should be able to hold their own. This was the first time this happened for us and I just tried to help her understand that this is how it works out sometimes and not every day is your day to be lucky. I emphasized how amazing it was that she was able to place as well as she did with girls much older while knowing myself that this wasn’t going to be the meet for her to dominate. And now we move on and keep growing and progressing and hope for better luck next time.
Take a deep breath and let it go. Sometimes there is an explanation, sometimes there has been a glitch, (and honestly, occasionally gyms make a one off mistake that they are too embarrassed to admit - like entering a birthday as 3/10 instead of 10/3, which can definitely stuff up age groups) but every meet is a fresh start and it is, at the end of the day, kids sport. It is great to ask questions to learn more, but don't let it upset you because you have to pace yourself for the long journey ahead!

About the scoring - it definitely sounds like there was a technical glitch - possibly your daughter wasn't on the start list but also the software is temperamental. Judging - even lower levels - is fairly intense. There is a lot of time pressure not to hold up the meet. So when there is a technical issue, the judges make a note to get someone else to sort it out and they just keep scoring. The actual scoring is a pen and paper business so there will be a record to enter into the computer once things are sorted. I can't imagine a scenario where I didn't score a kid. Even if they were on none of the lists at all. I'd alert the jury or floor manager that there was an issue, ask the kid her name, and then....score her!
I much prefer our system which goes on year of birth end of. You know right from the start all 2005 born compete together. Now this is hard when your child has a December birthday and great when your child has a January birthday but it all works out in the end and by the time they are senior it's not even thought about. Sometimes they do split the years down but I prefer to have 80 kids in a comp rather than split it down in to 2 or 3 smaller groups just to give them more medals. It shouldn't be about the extrinsic rewards at all.
So my daughter is 7. She had her first competition today she competed on bronze team. She turns 8 in February of 2025. They had her in group with 8&9 years olds. Is this right? Or should she still be in the group with the 7 year olds?
A lot of times it really depends on when the gymnasts birthday is and how many kids there are in each age division. I have competed in the age bracket above my age before. It is completely normal.
So my daughter is 7. She had her first competition today she competed on bronze team. She turns 8 in February of 2025. They had her in group with 8&9 years olds. Is this right? Or should she still be in the group with the 7 year olds?
My daughter had just turned 5 and competed in level 2 against 6-8yr olds because there weren't many other 5 year olds in her level. In our area xcel is known to be the program with older gymnasts so that could be why. Was there a younger age category she was excluded from or did you just expect more 7 year olds in the program? I have been told they try to keep it within a year of your child's birthday whenever possible but not a guarantee. We have always ran into this issue except for at the state competition, where the categories are broken down well.
Every meet will be different, as others have said. Is this through USAG? #1-be sure you put the correct birthdate in when you did her membership. Many age group issues are often due to incorrect birthdays put in by a parent. (We had one mom accidentally put in her birthday once- so the kid was in the meet as a 32 year old L3. We caught it and fixed it bc that one was glaringly obvious.)

If the DOB is correct-its important to know that if I'm running a meet with 40 Level 3's- we make 4 even age groups, and we even name them whatever we want- so name has nothing to do with it. It's not divided into 7 yo, 8 yo, etc. It's just where your daughter's birthday fell.

Gymnastics isn't fair. As she goes through the levels- she will be competing against kids that are repeating, kids that drop back from higher levels, kids that train more/less hours, etc. We had a L4 win States with a 37.2 last year in her age group, but her younger teammates 37.6 was 5th place in her age group. Try not to get wrapped up in things like this and enjoy the journey!

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