The hardest is the first year of level 10 - lol! But at the time, all the other levels seemed hard too. I remember thinking 7, 8 and 9 would be the death of me, but they were nothing compared to 10. And now as a multiple year 10, they really don't learn too many skills... but the fear of a season ending injury looms heavy on the heart and mind. And then add in a little recruiting pressure and it makes those days of "will she get get the kip, giant, yurchenko, series, etc..." seem like a walk in the park. Enjoy it parents and gymnasts because it gets real, real fast!
Agree. Although DD would probably say her 1st year of L8 was the hardest, but probably because she wasn't totally ready for that level. I'm hoping 2nd year L10 is better. As a parent, the injury fear is so much greater and the injuries you fear are more severe. There are days I would give anything for my biggest worry at a meet to be "will she stick her beam back walkover or connect her series?"