WAG Question Regarding Competing at Levels

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In all fairness to the local gym, it may only be the 2nd year L4's who advance to state in Texas. L4 state is the HARDEST to qualify for in Texas. The year my DD competed L4, in the Jr A division, the lowest score to qualify to states was a 36.1. Our gym makes a decision based on the individual gymnast if they move up from L3 to 4, 4 to 5, 4 to 6/7. Our TOPS girls do L4 in the fall bc of National Testing and such, score out of 5, then go onto 6/7 in Spring.

Yes, it is very hard to qualify for States, I agree. Their first year 4s don't go to north/south State. They only send the 2nd year girls probably knowing that it is only the highest scorers who will qualify from there for the State meet. It's very competitive.

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