I never paid much attention to scores last year. This year I know the scoring has changed and I think for the most part I understand, you are rewarded for bonuses but its a risk reward thing. For example, I saw some beautiful high bar routines but a few fell on the flyaway (level 5 bonus) so their scores were super low....from what I understand not only did they not get bonus, they also took deduction for the fall. Now, can anyone help me understand mushroom? If you attempt the bonuses but fall off, you lose the bonuses.....do you also get a fall deduction and then when you get back up they can deduct execution on the rest of the bonus circles, even though you aren't getting credit for them? I just saw some awesome routines with scores that didn't seem to match. I'm not trying to understand completely, but I like to know a little so when I watch it makes more sense!!!