Any mobility score achieved must be achieved at a sanctioned meet. Even in-house meets must be sanctioned to use a score for mobility. Scores will be checked, so if a gym doesn't sanction the meet and have a 2-judge panel, the scores can't be used for mobility.
There is not a snowballs chance in Hades that USAG has the staff or time to verify every L4/L5 score out.
5. Do you guys feel all meets should be publicly documented whether they are “score out” meets or not? Some gyms don’t have the privilege of having judges/meet directors as gym owners and have to actually go to meets. And if scoring out of level 4 & 5 is a requirement for USAG prior to entering optionals- is the gym required to send the score out scores to USAG?
As others have said there are many situations where score outs are not done in an "official" meet.
And anyone who knows of an improper score out has the ability to report it. To what end? Really whats the gain/loss? They kids still have to compete where they end up. So lets close down a gym over a L4/L5 meet. Lets tell a kid she is out of gymnastics over a L4/L5 meet.
They all eventually end up in the same place. My daughter current L8 team has kids who did L5 and L6, kids who did more then one season of L7 but no L5. All of them are doing L8 together.
And yes you will make yourself crazy worrying about what everyone else is doing, how they are being judged, why you think an "easier" skill shouldn't have won because your kid did a "harder" skill etc........
As you are a new gym parent I caution you to stay in your lane. The focus is your kid, her gymnastics and what works for you and your family.
Gymnastics is fair to the extent that the rules are spelled out. It will never be equal. Ever.
Xcel is different then JO. Gymnastics however is gymnastics. A well done BHS will score well in either places. A well done routine meeting all the requirements will score well in both. A badly done won't. The ones in the middle will depend on whats in the code of points and the judge.
You have kids who hit all their skills and score worse then a kid who falls because the one who fell had better detail all around. better leaps, form and landings. Its fair. And the correct scores.
You have kids who do what appear to you an "easier" skill and score better then the kid doing what you consider a "harder" skill but in the code of points they are the same skill level. A B skill is a B skill. An A skill is an A. Its fair.
You have kids doing less hours and not training as intensely getting beaten by a gym that trains more intensely or longer. Its fair.
There will be times your kid kids score will be one of the highest at her gym yet the kid with the lowest score gets medals and up on the podium and your kid doesn't get one medal because they are in different age group. It happens and by the rules its fair.
You inform yourself and you make the best decision for your family and child.
A bunch of years ago my kid was at a gym that wanted my 7 yr old to do way more hours then she wanted and that I thought necessary.
They wanted to move her to XCel because she clearly couldn't do serious competitive gymnastics.
I was fortunate enough to find a gym that does JO at less hours. She is now a L8.
And in complusories we regularly beat many "high" power, home schooling all gym all the time gyms. Now not so much but we have our moments. Is it fair? Yes, both gyms are playing by the rules spelled out. And we are at the gym that works best for us.
I could of chosen an all gym all the time gym. But my kid would of never made out of compulsories because she would of been burnt out. I could of chosen XCel pathway but my kid needed more then that. Our kids get to do other things and JO optionals. They are L7 and L8s currently running track, diving, playing lacrosse etc... and doing gym.
You make the best choice for your gymnast and your family. Enjoy your daughters journey. Keep her focused on what she is doing.
But if you get caught up in what everyone else is doing you will make yourself crazy and a CGM.
Comparison is the thief of joy.