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For me the movies aren't as big of a deal. No matter how great the cast/director/effects are, they still must ruin the book. Harry Potter is not alone. Pretty much every based-on-the-book movie has strayed from the storyline to create more drama, more quickly. Only exception I can drum up right now: Charlotte's Web. It's exactly the same, right down to the last, "salutations" I did not see the Dakota Fanning version, but the original is perfect. The Notebook may (half) count, because no movie could ever capture the emotion of the novel.

Number one ruined by the movie book of the moment: Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. Those books are amazing and they...deleted a character from the movie who becomes very very very important in the rest of the series. I expect I will only become more annoyed with the following three movies, which I will at some point see, if only to fuel my anger towards film makers. Luckily the books are only a foursome.

So another interesting (though somewhat predictable if you've actually read this) fact about me: I cannot stand when books are (inaccurately) made into movies. Which is why I am desperately crossing my fingers about the on-screen interpretation of Jodi Picoult's My Sister's Keeper.
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So another interesting (though somewhat predictable if you've actually read this) fact about me: I cannot stand when books are (inaccurately) made into movies. Which is why I am desperately crossing my fingers about the on-screen interpretation of Jodi Picoult's My Sister's Keeper.

I am the same. Even though I know the movie isnt going to be like the book I still feel the need to watch... I am disappointed in the H.P. Movies (with the exception of the last movie, that was better).

Jodi's books are some of my favorite. I am already thinking of banning My Sister's Keeper the movie because of horrible casting. I heard Cameron Diaz plays the mom... that just doesnt work for me... AT ALL. Lifetime has done a few of her books, recently the 10th Circle was on. I had to turn it off 30 minutes before the end.. She still hadnt gone to Alaska.. did they take the whole part out????
For me with the Harry Potter movies, obviously they're not anywhere near as good as the books but I like to see them anyways for 2 reasons.
1. I'm usually able to accept them as movies without thinking of the books too much (unless I've just finished reading that book, but I've learned to stop doing that).
2. I'm curious about what they take out or change.

Gracefulone, I agree with you about the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants movie. It was just horrible.

Oh, and another random fact about me: I, unlike the vast majority of my fellow residents of the great white north, happen to really like winter (especially the snow). This winter was the best ever in my opinion, what with the record breaking snowfalls and the fact that I actually got a snow day for the first time in 10 years:p.
hmm okay random facts about me :)

- Im a first degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do ( did it for 7 years , got my black belt at 12 )
- Im 18
- Friends I train with sometimes call me Muscle woman or tank
- Im all european blood ( parents both from Finland )
- i love to dance & sing
- have a minature schnauzer named fred ( he looks like an old man so fred suits him )
- going to college to become a Registered Nurse :) hopefully working in pediatrics ( plus a part time job at a gym club cannot get enough of gymnasticss !!<3 )
- My favorite color is black.
- I only did gymnastics on a team for one year. I quit because my body hurt so much all the time that I could hardly move; it was starting to get really unhealthy. I got two beastly shoulder injuries (almost surgery worthy) and kept spraining my ankles (five times). And I was only level six, so it was kind of weird.
- I've done colorguard for five years and I'm in my high school's colorguard. This past year we went to the world championships and made it to semifinals, which was really good because it was our first time competing at championships and we had just moved up a class.
- I want to join a world class winterguard after high school.
- I've taken a total of four AP classes (World History sophomore year, English Language, Chemistry, and Environmental Science junior year.) I'm going to be taking six next year: English Literature, Statistics, Latin, Biology, Government, and Economics. I hope I don't die :)
- I'm probably going to be a film major.
- My favorite movies are American Beauty, V for Vendetta, Fight Club, Children of Men, and The Matrix.
- My favorite actor is Hugo Weaving. Other great ones are Morgan Freeman, Johnny Depp, Michael Caine, Samuel L Jackson, Helena Bonham Carter, and Natalie Portman.
- I hate musicals. (I didn't like Sweeny Todd because it was a musical. If it hadn't been a musical it would have been really good.)
- My favorite books are The Great Gatsby, 1984, and Lord of the Flies.
- I love Harry Potter so much I wish it was real. I don't even classify it as a book series because it is so much more than that. It's a pretty serious obsession. I don't think I ate anything during the two days I spent reading the seventh book. When I have nothing to do, I write Harry Potter fan fiction in my head. I love the books, but I hate the movies because they are poorly made and don't do the book series justice IMO. I cried over a hundred times when I was reading the seventh book. It took 22 hours split over two days to read it; I only stopped the first day because I couldn't see the words anymore because I had been reading for too long (my eyes are pretty messed up.)
- My favorite TV shows are Dexter, Heroes, Scrubs, House, The Office, Project Runway, and So You Think You Can Dance. Mia Micheals is amazing!
- I spend almost all of my free time on, Youtube, or
- I eat more than anyone I know, but people ask me if I'm anorexic on a regular basis because I'm awkwardly thin.
- My favorite subject in school is english, but it is by far my worst subject.
- I've gotten straight A's eleven times since sixth grade.
- I have approximately a 4.8 GPA, but I used to have a 5.0 (yay AP, honors, and extra classes!)
- During the school year, I regularly stay up past 3 AM doing homework and during the summer, I stay up until 5 AM and wake up anytime from 12 - 3 PM.
- I just went on vacation for two weeks and I watched five movies along the way (The Incredible Hulk, Don't Mess withe the Zohan, Get Smart, Wall E, and Wanted).
- I cried at least twenty times during Wall E.
- I've seen Lord of the Rings well over a hundred times and I've seen all the special features.
- I read the entire Animorphs book series (yes, i am that geeky).
- I hated the book Into the Wild but loved the movie because it was so well made.
- I once saw Samuel L Jackson. My friend got him to sign a harboiled egg (she still has it in her freezer).
- I can touch my tongue to my nose and know only two other people who can.
Haha, 6 AP classes. You'll live, but I don't envy you at all. I took AP Calc, Physics, German, Econ, and my school's version of English Lit as a senior (AP Bio, Chem, German, US History, and my school's version of English Language the year before, and AP World History and Env Sci as a sophomore), and I'm quite happy to have escaped from my years of high school misery.

- I'm double majoring in English and German. Strongly considering Ph.D programs in English.
- I used to be a German/Zoology double major with a pre-med focus. I went as far as taking the MCAT, did well on that, and realized how apathetic I was about science and medicine, and how much I preferred the humanities. My parents are convinced that I will be living in a cardboard box.
- I judge through level 8 and am testing level 9 this year.
- I got to march in with and hold the giant flags on the podium during march-in and the national anthem at US Nationals in 2005. I was also on the awards team.
- I had senior standing at my university when I was 18! Go AP credit.
- I would LOVE to be on The Amazing Race. I don't really watch TV other than that show and sometimes Scrubs.
- LOVED Arrested Development!
- I have perfect pitch-- if you play a note or chord on a piano, I can identify it. I can also tell you if a note on a violin is flat or sharp. However, I'm possibly the worst singer ever.
- I have a remarkable ability to injure myself while doing nothing. I've bruised my forehead three times in the past 6 weeks, and the hardest thing I was doing? A jump lunge roundoff. I caught my foot while jumping and hit face-first. (I also fell down the stairs and hit my head on a door, and later I tripped over some things on the floor and hit my head on the corner of my cabinet.)
- I have never broken a bone while doing gymnastics. However, I broke my finger slamming it in the car door on the way home from the gym.
- I'm currently avoiding writing my final essays (all of which are in German, to my luck), so I'm going to continue blabbing
- I definitely went to the midnight releases of HP 4-7. My friends and I drove over an hour each way for the release of the 5th movie and the 7th book, and it was totally worth it.
- I didn't like the sequels to The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants at ALL. The first book was tolerable, but the 3rd and 4th were just painful for me to read.
- Ummm and I'm definitely excited about the movie for My Sister's Keeper as well!
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I love amazing race! My mom thinks my pole vault coach and I should enter!
- I used to be a German/Zoology double major with a pre-med focus. I went as far as taking the MCAT, did well on that, and realized how apathetic I was about science and medicine, and how much I preferred the humanities. My parents are convinced that I will be living in a cardboard box.

I fully support box living. We can continue to be friends. At least it will be an articulate box.

- I am learning Russian
- I am a huge fan of gymnastics but was never involved in the sport
- I do gymnastics photography
- I have a great interest in webdesign
Another one: I have never slept in past 9:30 am.

wow. are you serious?there is a lot of harry potter fans on here. they should start a harry potter forum. I would not be going to that. I started reading the first book but it was boring so I stopped. Not to offend any of you HP fans though. My whole family except me and my mom are obsessed with it.
yes. It was 9am until a year ago, after one very very late night.
I'm a twin
I will graduate with a sociology degree in Dec. 09
I want to be a preschool teacher
I recently became an aunt
I took singing lessons for 9 years
I dont want to get older :(
1 my best friends are twins
2 I don't want to get older either! I have peter pan syndrome!
3 I'm going to the American Idol Tour concert!
4 I'm allergic to IcyHot
5 my baby sister looks nothing like me
6 i competed with Sam Peszek's team
7 I knew 3 people going to the Olympic trials for swimming
Hmm Interesting thread.........
I'll play:D

I have identical twin boys
I became a step grandma last week and I'm not even 40 yet:p
I am allergic to guacamole
I cut my leg on an excersise bike when I was younger and got 14 stiches
Twin boys. How old?

I teach a beginning boys gymnastics class, and they're ages 5-8, and can be a real handful-and I only have them for 65 min. once a week! It's also one of the most fun classes I've ever taught. Boys are such daredevils and are also easily impressed with my spontaneous standing backtucks! LOL It's also super fun to set up obstacle courses and watch them tire themselves out.
- Ive been in gymnastics for 11 years and im a level 8/ high school
-my coach told me i cant do backwalkovers in routines ever again! lol ( not so flexible)
-im in German but im not that great at it
-i ride horses weekly but sadly dont have one yet
-i won the 200 hurdles at my conference track meet
-last cross country season i almost tore/reptured my achilles tendon =S
-ive been injured a lot in gymnastics, my worst one had me out of the sport for about 3 or 4 months
-i quit gymnastics when i was like 6 to do ballet and at the end of my first class my teacher told my mom i should try gymnastics

thats it for now! :p

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