Rec bar drills

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What kind of fun and interesting drills does everyone do on bars in your rec classes? Sometimes I feel like I'm doing the same old thing over and over and the kids get bored of it.

Here are some of the drills I do:
Basic chin-ups
Chin-ups with pike legs on a block
Hang in a chin-up
Try to walk hands across bar while in a chin-up
Leg lifts
Straddle leg lifts
Windshield wipers
Hang from the bar with legs in a pike, straddle, or tuck
Chin-up pullover spotted
Chin-up pullover kicking off a block (usually doesn't work because most kids can't hold body up long enough)
Glide swings
Tap swings
Walk hands across high bar in a hang
Back hip circles (for those who are more advanced)

I'd appreciate any fresh ideas that are particularly effective or that you all have found the kids really enjoy. Thanks!
Long hang swings
sole hangs (under bar hanging lift feet up in pike, tuck, or straddle), for more advanced put a mat under and fall into the straddle or pike position from position
Inverted straddle hang
Climb on top of the bar and jump off onto a mat (spotted), you can put a ----bench in front of the bar angling it up towards the bar so they can get ----up easier
Front hip circles for the more advanced
stide hold ( above bar, like going into mill circle but just hold the position)

Im blanking right now and kinda tired so if something doesnt make sense just let me know and i will clarify
For working pullovers we lean a wedge against the high bar, on the inside of the bars (this is on the preschool bars), and get the kids to start in a chin up (eyes to the bar) and walk their feet up the wedge and kick them over. This is a good drill for the younger kids who are learning the concept of shooting their feet over the bar in a pullover.
Sorry if I repeat things that have already been said...

We don't start our rec gymnasts on bars until they have done some prep work on the floor/floor bars first but generally they start on bars at around 7yrs with real basic things, by the time they are 10/11 they are able to do a basic bar routine. These gymnasts are training 1-1.5 hours per week and spend 10-15 mins on bars per session.

Our skill progression goes something like this:

Hang on low or high bar with good tension and:

Travel along the bar from overgrasp to undergrasp to overgrasp etc
Travel along the bar from mixed grip to mixed grip
Travel along the bar with a series of re-grasps
Hold Tuck, Pike and straddle first individually, then in sequence
Chin ups in overgrasp and undergrasp
Tuck leg lifts
Pike leg lifts
Straddle leg lifts

On Low Bar:
Jump to front support from floor or platform
Casts on the bar and as a dismount
Forward Circle Down
Upward circle up an incline
Upward circle from a springboard
Upward circle from hang
Cast back hip circle
Glide swings

From an inclined trampette in front of low bar, bounce and squat on to bar, stretch jump off
Supported Squat on
Squat on
Catch high bar

On High Bar:

Fish swings (dish-arch with re-grasp)
Long hang swings with regrasp
3/4 circle

Back to low bar to learn straddle undershoot dismount and gradually work up to high bar.

If a gymnast completes this routine they begin to learn kips but I'm yet to see a rec gymnast who can kip!
Skin the cats. Skin the cat releases.
Long inverted hang hips on one side of the bar. Repeat hips on other side.
Basket hangs.
Hang from the back of the knees. Swing from back of the knees.
Fly away from the back of the knees.
Grip changes while hanging.
Jump ups and land hanging in different grips. (overhand, underhand, mixed grip and reverse hands, eagle)
Hang from the arm pits chin over the bar.
Hang from the feet or ankles.
Single leg knee swing ups. Leg over to sit. Turn to front support.
Jump ups to front support. Turn to sit.
Balance in a front swan.
Balance in an arch on your back from your hips. Back swan.
Running hang jumps for distance.
Swinging in a long hang swing out releases for distance.
Stomach bumps. Run or stand jump and stomach bump the bar land back to your feet.
Cross hangs. Arm out to the sides over the bar.
Front support forward roll down to hang.
Long Hang double leg circles or single leg circles.
Long hang swing to back uprise and release to land on feet dismount. Back uprise dismounts.
Long hang or any hang competition duels.

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