Parents Region 4 Championships Post

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Jan 17, 2008
Reaction score
We are back safely from Kansas City! It was an experience let me tell you!

First of all our drive is about 10 hours. We drove Part of the way Friday, stayed with family Friday Night. Got up early and drove the last 4 1/2 hours in time to watch our L10 compete Saturday. She won Floor & Vault and came in 3rd in the AA.

Beetle competed Sunday afternoon. She was feeling pretty good, a little quiet that morning while we were getting ready. There was lots of family there to cheer her on (my Sister in Law Lives in KC), but I wonder if that made her a little nervous.

She started on Vault. I thought maybe I missed her Tuck Tsuk warm up cuz I kept seeing her Pike (and over rotating then falling). Turns out she never warmed them up. Her coaches said why not, this is the last meet. Go for it throw the pike both times! And let me tell you that first vault was HUGE! Too bad she had too much power.. She took 5 steps backward then fell.. The next one wasnt nearly as powerful she took a small step foward. Score 8.9. Good enough for 12th Place.

Bars - wow - have her bars come a long way this year. They were clean and straight. Score 8.8. Got herself a 10th Place medal!

Beam - ...oh boy.. beam.. This is where things fell apart. She looked off in warm up. Got up.. went for her flight.. completely missed her feet on her walk over. Got up.. Switch leap.. Fell right off.. Got up.. ALMOST Went off on her full turn.. start value 9.5 Score 7.2.. she was devestated. 1st time she fell all season off the beam.

Floor - Consistent, stepped backward on her 1 1/2 turn.. Score 8.85.

AA 33.75.

She was upset, 1st meet we left in tears this year (I thought we were going to make it through the entire year). I hate leaving meets in tears. She said "It wasn't my best, I wanted this meet to be my best.." We tried to console her telling her that no matter what happened, we are proud of her it was an honor to be there. She had a Great year. She had 3 great events and what an amazing Job Getting Vault & Bars Medal! Don't let 1 bad event ruin the entire experience. I think my yesterday she was finally better. Her Coach Brought her flowers yesterday. He told the team "Even though Beetle doesn't think she did a good job at Regions, I do" I think that helped.

On the flip side, I was very glad that Gym Monkey's Mom & Gym Monkey were there supporting us. It is so nice to have CB Family there.

I will post video once its all cut.. Thanks for ready the novel I just wrote!
I'm sorry the meet was disappointing for her. Hopefully, when she settles down she'll be able to focus more on the upsides. It is an honor just to make it. And it's great that she was able to do the piked Tsuk and a nice bar routine.
Wonderful just to qualify and I am sure in the weeks to come she will se that. I love the coaches attitude, encouraging the piked tsuk (which worked out well, and buying her flowers is just lovely.

I imagine medalling at a meet that big is very impressive, and especially after struggling with bars earlier this season. All very impressive.

SO much to be proud of this year, and now she gets to train the fun stuff. YAY!
What an honor to make it to Regionals!!! Sorry she was upset! She sounds like she has some great coaches. And to Medal is great!!! Sounds like her bars are coming along...and i totally understand about the beam.. we had one of those in the middle of the season... still freaks me out. Now onto new skills!!! :)
Tell her that leaving regionals with some bling is certainly a big accomplishment. That and throwing her pike tsuk---and scoring well on it. I would say it was a really great meet for Beetle and I'm sure in time she'll see that too.

Love the coach bringing her flowers at practice!!! That doesn't happen very often.

Now onward and upward to L9.
What an awesome coach for bringing her flowers! I love that!:)
I think those scores are great especially at such a huge meet and she should be very proud! I know that the girls can be SO hard on themselves but gosh what a huge accomplishment to get some bling and to even MAKE it to regionals!!!!!!
I'm sorry to hear that she was upset. It would be difficult to take falling off beam at a big meet; these gymnasts put so much pressure on themselves sometimes! My mom-heart aches just imagining what it was like to sit through that knowing what her reaction would be and then watching her disappointment then and after. Hopefully, it's starting to sink in that it was an accomplishment to be there, and that getting bling there at all is great! With you as such a positive, supportive gym mom and an incredible coach who actually brought her flowers (how awesome is that :) ), she'll be focused on the present and future in no time! :)
Bummer that she's upset, but just getting to Regionals is fabulous! She'll shake it off--she's had a wonderful year.
Hope Beetle is feel a bit better about her regionals experience. She did a great job!!! She went for bigger skills. Isn't that what it's all about? Growing, improving, learning new skills. She did great & has much to be proud of!!! So nice that her coach got her flowers!!! Congratulations to Beetle! I think she did wonderfully!!!

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